Dockyards of Najan-Rovi

The collection of shipyard facilities known as the Dockyards of Najan-Rovi orbited the gas giant named Najan-Rovi. These dockyards served as a haven for numerous luxury transport vessels belonging to high-ranking officials of the Galactic Empire. During 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry launched Operation Ringbreaker, targeting various Imperial installations including Mardona III, Xagobah, and Sullust. As one of the initial targets, the Dockyards of Najan-Rovi were assaulted by the Sixty-First, who arrived aboard their CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, accompanied by its escort, the Braha'tok-class gunship Apailana's Promise, and a pair of X-wing starfighters. Due to the absence of a stormtrooper battalion, the dockyards depended on Imperial Navy troopers and TIE fighters for defense, and succumbed in under a day. When the Sixty-First departed, they left behind a scene of devastation, with nearly one hundred luxury transports ablaze.

