
Najan-Rovi, a gas giant situated in both the Outer Rim and Western Reaches regions, was positioned along the path of the Rimma Trade Route. During the Galactic Civil War, its dockyards provided shelter for the starships of prominent Galactic Empire figures. In the year 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry launched an attack on these dockyards, deploying multiple strike teams. Following this engagement, the 61st departed Najan-Rovi, leaving behind nearly one hundred burning vessels. Everi Chalis, the former Imperial governor, speculated that this assault would divert security resources away from the Kuat Drive Yards and compel the Corellian Engineering Corporation to ramp up their ship production efforts.


Found within the Outer Rim Territories and the [Western Reaches](/article/western_reaches], Najan-Rovi, a gas giant, occupied a spot along the Rimma Trade Route, nestled between the planet Sullust and the astronomical entity Vondarc. Its location was identified as grid square M-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. The residents of Najan-Rovi lived in floating habitats, and the location was the site of several dockyards capable of accommodating and resupplying starships.


Najan-Rovi became the target of the 61st Mobile Infantry (patch pictured) as part of Operation Ringbreaker.

During the Galactic Civil War, Najan-Rovi provided aid to the Galactic Empire's wartime endeavors. Its dockyards provided services for light freighters, opulent transports, and executive shuttles, all manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and utilized by high-ranking Imperial officers and special envoys from the Empire's ruling council. In 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry selected Najan-Rovi as a target within their Operation Ringbreaker campaign. The 61st's CR90 corvette, the Thunderstrike, attacked the dockyards, delivering multiple strike teams.

The dockyards, defended solely by Imperial Navy Troopers and a squadron of TIE fighters, were captured in under a day, leading to the 61st departing and leaving behind almost one hundred burning vessels. Everi Chalis, a former Imperial governor who was collaborating with the rebel company, theorized that the attack would compel the Corellian Engineering Corporation to increase ship production to replace the lost starships and would also result in a shift of security forces from the Kuat Drive Yards, the primary objective of Operation Ringbreaker. Simultaneously, the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service was analyzing Operation Ringbreaker, with General Crix Madine including Najan-Rovi in a report detailing the campaign's initial stage. This report later came into the possession of archivist Hendri Underholt, who incorporated it into a compilation of non-electronic documents titled The Rebel Files.

Behind the scenes

Najan-Rovi made its debut appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, authored by Alexander Freed.

