Droideka Sharpshooter

The Droideka Sharpshooter, alternatively called the sharpshooter droideka, sniper droid, or sharpshooter droid, represented a specialized form of the droideka unit, focusing on sniping tactics. In contrast to the standard droideka, this variant was armed with a central blaster rifle and relied on its armored plating for frontal defense during engagements, foregoing the use of deflector shields. These sharpshooter droidekas served within the Separatist forces under the command of the Zygerrian Darts D'Nar on the planet Kiros.


A Droideka Sharpshooter

Droideka Sharpshooters, standing at 1.87 meter tall, were a modified version of the droideka manufactured by the Colicoid Creation Nest. This droid was protected by armor, specifically a shield designed to withstand blaster fire. However, this design left the droid vulnerable to flanking attacks, as it lacked the shield projector found on standard droideka models. Capable of rolling into position, they were effective in surprise attacks and were best utilized in concealed locations, enabling them to eliminate targets from a distance.

When deployed in advantageous positions, the droideka could neutralize high-value targets, including Jedi. Their accuracy surpassed that of typical droidekas, and their potent rifle could penetrate multiple targets with a single shot.

Despite their effectiveness as sniper units, the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized the Droideka Sharpshooter less frequently than other droideka models. This was primarily due to the droid's limited adaptability and the need for more meticulous planning in their deployment compared to other variants.

Behind the scenes

The Droideka Sharpshooters made their debut in the "Kidnapped" episode, which was the eleventh episode within the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series'.

