E522 assassin droid

The E522 assassin droid represents a model of assassin droid initially conceived by Baktoid Combat Automata during the Separatist Crisis, which at that point in time was under the umbrella of the Techno Union. By the Galactic Civil War, these droids were among the most dreaded operational units in the galaxy.


This assassin droid, the E522, presented as a massive, imposing figure, heavily armed and shielded by robust military-grade armor. Its design featured a rounded, diamond-shaped main body lacking a distinct head, coupled with an exceptionally slender waist capable of full 360-degree rotation. It moved on two substantial tank-like treads protected by armored skirts, and possessed two extended, multi-jointed arms connected to armored shoulders. Instead of hands, these arms were equipped with a heavy repeating blaster, a heavy ion blaster, and a rapid-firing needler gun.

Additionally, three smaller arms with highly dexterous hands were positioned low on the droid's torso, complemented by a Model 20 mini-missile pack mounted on its back. The E522's chassis was outfitted with a diverse array of sensors, antennae, and photoreceptors, providing a comprehensive 360-degree field of vision, which synergized with its sophisticated internal combat computer and targeting system.


Baktoid Combat Automata initially engineered the E522 assassin droid as part of their B-series battle droid line. The intention was for it to function as a light anti-armor and anti-aircraft asset for B1-series battle droids and B2-series super battle droids. However, due to its high cost and complexity, it was deemed unsuitable for disposable roles, leading to the project's cancellation in favor of the B2 super battle droids and B3 battle droids. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, which saw the dissolution of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, the Techno Union was dismantled. Its subsidiary companies either gained independence or were absorbed by the Empire.

Baktoid Combat Automata was nationalized by the Empire, with plans for immediate restructuring. As BCA's assets were liquidated, all data related to the E522 project was transferred to Sienar Intelligence Systems. At the time, SIS was actively developing its own series of combat and assassin droids, making the E522 data a significant asset. SIS promptly abandoned its existing project and dedicated substantial resources to advancing the E522. After a year of development, the first E522 units were deployed from SIS's production lines, entering service to suppress the growing resistance against the Empire.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, fewer than one hundred E522 droids were operational across the galaxy. The majority were employed by Imperial Army Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau in roles such as assassins and support units for covert operations. These droids underwent constant memory wipes and maintenance, resulting in silent and intimidating personalities. A small number of E522s also served the Alliance to Restore the Republic, primarily in battlefield salvage and similar capacities as their Imperial counterparts. Rebel E522s within the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service developed personalities characterized by cynicism and demanding behavior, leading agents to jokingly refer to them as "everyone's least favorite Master Sergeant." Nevertheless, Rebel E522s were highly regarded for their courage and effectiveness during missions.


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