Engi Golba

Engi Golba, a Didynon from the planet of Didyma V, initially made his living as a miner. His job involved placing explosive charges within the lommite mines. However, when the First Order annexed his homeworld, he escaped and subsequently joined the Resistance, where he put his explosive expertise to good use. During the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, he was part of the Resistance's landing team that engaged Sith Eternal forces on the Steadfast command ship's surface.


The world of Didyma V was the homeworld of Engi Golba. He was employed as a miner there, responsible for setting off explosives in the lommite mines to create new passages. Following the First Order's annexation of Didyma V, and their subsequent takeover of the mining operations, he fled. Eventually, he became a member of the Resistance, bringing his expertise in explosives with him.

Golba joined the Resistance after escaping Didyma V's mines.

In the year 35 ABY, Golba found himself stationed at the Resistance's base situated on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss. It was there that Generals Poe Dameron and Finn briefed the Resistance fighters about their mission targeting the planet Exegol. The goal was to neutralize the Sith Eternal's and First Order's fleet. Golba was selected as a member of the landing team, and their primary objective was to disable a navigation tower that would allow the fleet to escape the planet.

The team traveled to Exegol aboard a YC-123B transport hauler known as the Fortitude. However, upon their arrival, the Sith fleet altered the navigation signal, directing it to the Steadfast command ship. Consequently, General Finn ordered the transport to land on the Steadfast instead. The landing team disembarked onto the starship and commenced their advance toward the tower. With a Talpiddian in front of him, Golba participated in the battle against the Sith troopers and jet troopers that had been dispatched to protect the tower. Eventually, Finn and former stormtrooper Jannah successfully disabled the signal, prompting Golba and the landing team to retreat back to the Fortitude. The Resistance emerged victorious, and the team returned to Ajan Kloss to celebrate their triumph.

Personality and traits

Golba, a Didynon, possessed white skin. His expertise with explosives fueled a strong desire to destroy property belonging to the First Order.

Skills and abilities

Golba demonstrated a natural talent with explosives. He initially used them in the lommite mines and later employed them to destroy First Order equipment.


Golba's attire consisted of a brown robe worn over a gray cowl, a brown dress, and a brown belt. He utilized explosives during his time in Didyma V's lommite mines, and as a member of the Resistance, he carried an EL-16HFE blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

Engi Golba made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the 2019 film from the sequel trilogy. His identity was confirmed in the reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The character was portrayed by singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, who also played a First Order stormtrooper in the film. Martin Rezard created concept art of the Didynon species, which was titled "Two Alien Wizards 80."

