"Ewok Escape," which came out on July 5, 2017, represents the third installment within the initial season of the Star Wars Forces of Destiny animated micro-series. The events of this episode unfold in the Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi timeline, specifically after the initial encounter between Leia and Wicket.

Following her introduction to Wicket, Leia expresses a desire to locate her companions, from whom she became separated. However, Wicket has different intentions and quickly departs, with Leia in pursuit. Wicket guides Leia to a location where two of his Ewok comrades are being held captive by stormtroopers.
Observing from the concealment of a tree, the duo witnesses the stormtroopers intimidating the small beings. Upon seeing a stormtrooper forcefully disarming one of the Ewoks, Leia emphatically states their need to aid Wicket's companions. Nevertheless, Wicket anticipates her and ascends a nearby tree, successfully reaching its summit. As the stormtroopers persist in terrorizing the Ewoks, Wicket activates a trap, releasing a rope ring that encircles the two stormtroopers, and then leaps from the tree while maintaining his grip on the rope. The momentum of Wicket's descent secures the rope around the troopers, hoisting them towards the treetop.
Yet, upon returning to the ground, Wicket finds himself unable to counterbalance the weight of the stormtroopers. Leia observes as the rope draws Wicket back up the tree, causing the troopers to descend. The rope halts, leaving both Wicket and the troopers suspended midway up the tree. As the troopers target Wicket with blaster fire, Leia intervenes, seizing Wicket and leveraging her weight to elevate the troopers back to the treetop. The troopers collide with the tree's apex and plummet to the ground, where one of Wicket's companions seizes the trooper's blaster.
The three Ewoks escort Leia to their village, and in gratitude for her heroic actions, they present her with a dress. Leia dons the Ewok attire, eliciting admiration from the Ewoks for her transformed appearance. Leia playfully inquires if the dress includes a spear, and to her astonishment, the Ewoks readily provide one.

This episode provides the backstory of how Princess Leia acquired the dress she is seen wearing during Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, specifically during the Ewok feast held in honor of C-3PO.