Exis Station

Exis Station, a Jedi space station, was situated within the Teedio system.

Historical Account

The Time of the Exar Kun Conflict

The Battle of Kemplex Nine resulted in the annihilation of the Cron Cluster. The resulting shockwave, comprised of ten supernovas, put the Great Jedi Library on Ossus in danger. Evacuation time was limited. The Jedi gathered as many of the ancient artifacts as possible and transported them to Exis Station. These were subsequently relocated to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Following the conclusion of the Great Sith War, Nomi Sunrider convened a Jedi convocation on Exis Station.

Abandonment and Subsequent Reoccupation

Over the course of millennia, the station's stability waned due to its abandonment, causing it to drift increasingly closer to its host star. In the final decades of the Republic, mining operations were established on Exis, capitalizing on the station's proximity to the star for the purpose of collecting ion and solar-flare energy. As the population of the system grew, new satellite modules were constructed, extending from the central pewter-colored hub. These satellites were designed to accommodate the specific needs of different species, with one filled with water, another circulating a high concentration of chlorine within its atmosphere, and yet another engineered with enhanced gravity. Numerous additional modules were built; however, as Exis approached Teedio, the station was once again deserted. The Jedi treasures that were aboard the station were moved to libraries and archives throughout the Republic.

Era of the Clone Wars

During the period of the Clone Wars, Exis Station was utilized by the Republic as a staging ground for campaigns within the Meridian sector.

The New Jedi Order

During Luke Skywalker's search to locate Jedi candidates for his new Praxeum, he encountered the historian Tionne while aboard the station. With the assistance of R2-D2 and several space station droids, the two Humans were able to activate the ancient engines, thereby pushing Exis Station away from Teedio's gravitational pull and preventing its destruction. While exploring the station, the Jedi discovered a hologram of Nomi Sunrider. Before their departure, they programmed several docking bays to respond exclusively to the Jedi's signal, including Docking Bay 17.

In 22 ABY, Orloc, the self-proclaimed Mage of Exis Station, established his base of operations on the station. He also recruited a young and gullible Jedi trainee named Uldir Lochett, who was under the impression that the Mage possessed the ability to awaken his latent Force powers, a feat that no one at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 had been able to accomplish. Uldir absconded with Master Ikrit's starship Sunrider (named in honor of Nomi Sunrider) in order to travel to the station. The teenager also pilfered two Jedi artifacts recovered during the previous adventure at Bast Castle on Vjun: Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber and the holocron of the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan. These items were presented to Orloc as a token of his sincerity.

In reality, Orloc possessed no Force abilities and instead relied on advanced technological devices to deceive Uldir and others, using them to stage demonstrations of his supposed "real" powers. Fortunately for Uldir, his companions Tionne Solusar, Ikrit, Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila arrived at Exis Station aboard their vessel, the Lore Seeker. Upon their arrival, they attempted to inform Uldir that Orloc was a fraud and that he had been misled. The Mage retaliated against the four Jedi with his high-tech gadgets, prompting them to defend themselves by utilizing the Force.

During the duel, Tionne sustained injuries, and Ikrit—who had vowed not to wield a lightsaber until he had discovered worthy students—made the decision to break his vow and join Anakin and Tahiri in their struggle. Uldir then realized that Orloc was nothing more than a con artist who employed technology to deceive others with displays of fabricated power. Working together, the Jedi vanquished Orloc, thereby eliminating a threat to the burgeoning New Jedi Order and returning the Jedi relics to Luke Skywalker at the Praxeum.

