Ferav was a Sith Inquisitor of the Human male persuasion. He served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the era known as the Cold War against the Galactic Republic. As a subordinate to the Sith Lord Darth Angral, Ferav journeyed with Angral to the Ord Mantell Orbital Station in the year 3643 BBY. Their mission was to extract information from the Jedi Padawan Kira Carsen concerning the location of her master, the Jedi Knight responsible for the death of Angral's offspring, Tarnis. While Angral's other followers went to the planet Corellia, Ferav remained on the station, holding Carsen captive while awaiting transport to the Imperial capital on Dromund Kaas. To the Inquisitor's surprise, the Knight appeared on the space station shortly thereafter. Despite this, Ferav and his Imperial soldiers were ultimately unsuccessful in their confrontation with the Knight, and the Sith met his end alongside his troops.
During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Ferav, a Human male, had risen to the rank of Sith Inquisitor through his training in the ways of the dark side of the Force. He became a follower of the powerful Sith Lord Darth Angral. In 3643 BBY, after Angral's son, Tarnis, was killed by a young Jedi Knight, Angral, enraged, promptly declared war against both the Republic and the Jedi Order as a direct consequence. When Imperial Intelligence pinpointed Kira Carsen, the Jedi Knight's apprentice, on the Ord Mantell Orbital Station orbiting the planet of Ord Mantell, the Sith Lord and his retinue were positioned over twenty parsecs away. Undeterred, Angral issued orders for her capture and immediately departed for the space station accompanied by Ferav, Admiral Hacklin of the Imperial Navy, and several other members of his entourage, all with the intention of interrogating the Padawan. Carsen, however, proved resistant to interrogation and managed to mislead Angral into believing that her master was on the planet Corellia, while in reality, the Knight was on Ord Mantell with the astromech droid T7-O1, raiding an Imperial listening post to uncover Angral's schemes.

With his curiosity satisfied, Angral dispatched his forces to Corellia, while he, accompanied by Admiral Hacklin, set off to oversee the installation of the Desolator superweapon on Angral's flagship, the Oppressor. The Sith Lord left Ferav in charge of Carsen, along with two Imperial soldiers and two Sith Acolytes, in the airlock of the Knight's ship. This arrangement was made so that Carsen could be transported via a transfer shuttle to the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas for further questioning. Ferav received explicit instructions not to harm Carsen, but that did not prevent him from threatening the Padawan's life in an attempt to force her cooperation when the Knight and T7-O1, also known as Teeseven, arrived in the airlock. However, Carsen called his bluff, revealing Angral's orders to her master. Ferav then shoved the bound Padawan aside, ignited his lightsaber, and commanded his men to attack the Knight and Teeseven. Despite their numerical advantage, Ferav and his allies were unable to overcome the Jedi and the droid, and the Inquisitor, along with all four of his subordinates, met their demise.
Ferav possessed red [eyes](/article/eye-legends] and a fair complexion, marred by scars across the right side of his face. He was also bald. The Inquisitor displayed arrogance and unwavering confidence in his abilities, often resorting to deception to gain an advantage. Ferav struggled to comprehend why members of the Jedi Order would willingly sacrifice their lives for others, dismissing their sense of duty to the greater galaxy as misguided and ultimately pointless.
As a Sith Inquisitor, Ferav wielded a single red-bladed lightsaber in combat, and he frequently employed bursts of Force lightning against his adversaries during battle.
Ferav makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts. Players who choose the Jedi Knight class will encounter him during the final stages of the "New Intelligence" mission. In this encounter, he and his forces obstruct the player's path back to their ship on the Ord Mantell Orbital Station after the Knight returns from their mission to the surface of Ord Mantell. Regardless of the player's dialogue choices, Ferav initiates an attack and is subsequently defeated in the ensuing battle.
If the Jedi Knight is a male character, Ferav will question why he would risk his life for Kira Carsen. The player then has the option to imply to Ferav that he is in love with her. This revelation intrigues Ferav, who expresses regret at having to kill the Knight.