Mission to Ord Mantell (Desolator crisis)

During the Cold War era, which saw tensions rise between the Galactic Republic and the newly reformed Sith Empire, a young Jedi Knight and their companions embarked on a mission to the planet of Ord Mantell. Their objective was to uncover the schemes of the Sith Lord Darth Angral, who was orchestrating a campaign of vengeance motivated by the death of his son, Tarnis, at the hands of the aforementioned Knight. Accompanied by the astromech droid T7-O1, also known as Teeseven, the Jedi launched an assault on an Imperial listening post situated near the island of Avilatan. Their goal was to infiltrate the facility and gain access to its hyperspace data transceiver. While they succeeded in their endeavor, the Imperial soldier Lieutenant Marcovic sabotaged the transceiver, preventing a complete data download. However, the Knight's Padawan, Kira Carsen, was captured by Darth Angral's forces aboard the Ord Mantell Orbital Station. Carsen cleverly misled Angral, convincing him that her Master was on the planet Corellia. Upon the Jedi's return to the station with Teeseven, they successfully rescued her from the grasp of the Sith Inquisitor Ferav. The information acquired from Ord Mantell proved invaluable, enabling the Republic scientist Nasan Godera to identify a critical flaw in Angral's planet-destroying Desolator superweapon. Leveraging this discovery, the Knight and Carsen managed to disable the Desolator, thwarting Angral's impending attack on the Jedi homeworld of Tython.


In the time of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a young Jedi Knight—formerly an apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Dinkilled the Sith Lord Tarnis in a duel. Tarnis had been secretly working as a Republic scientist within the Republic superweapon initiative, leading the design team for the Planet Prison superweapon. His presence was threatened by the arrival of Jedi Master Bela Kiwiiks and her Padawan Kira Carsen on the Republic capital of Coruscant. Tarnis seized control of the Planet Prison, intending to use it against the planet, but Carsen and the Jedi Knight—the former apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din—pursued him to the ruins of the Jedi Temple. There, they engaged him in a lightsaber duel before he could activate the weapon.

The Imperial listening post

However, Tarnis's demise was witnessed by his father, Darth Angral, who had been communicating with his son via holocomm just before the two Jedi confronted Tarnis. Enraged, the elder Sith immediately declared war on the Republic as an act of revenge. He utilized Tarnis's final offering—files detailing all of the Republic's weapons projects and instructions on combining them into a single planet-destroying device known as the Desolator. He then dispatched his three Sith apprentices, Praven, Sadic, and Nefarid, to seize control of the Republic's offworld research facilities. Fearing for the security of his weapons projects, General Var Suthra of the Republic Military tasked the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence agency, with tracing the source of Angral's transmission to locate the Sith Lord. While the SIS failed to pinpoint Angral's exact location, they traced Tarnis's transmission back to a hyperspace data transceiver on the planet Ord Mantell, where the Empire maintained a clandestine listening post.

After discussing the situation with Grand Master Satele Shan of the Jedi Order, General Suthra requested that Din's former apprentice investigate the base on Ord Mantell, as both Din and Kiwiiks had previously departed to secure the Republic's offworld facilities alongside Agent Galen of the SIS. At Shan's behest, the Knight officially took on Carsen as a Padawan in Master Kiwiiks' absence. Suthra provided the two Jedi and the Knight's astromech droid companion T7-O1 with a Defender-class light corvette for their journey to Ord Mantell.

The mission

As the trio journeyed to Ord Mantell aboard their new ship, Suthra contacted Agent Ottau, an SIS operative stationed on the planet. Following the General's instructions, Ottau dispatched a probe droid from the Republic Military's base of Fort Garnik on the island of Avilatan. The droid tracked the transceiver's signal to a small island just off Avilatan's northern coast. However, the island's Imperial defenders destroyed Ottau's probe droid, leaving Ottau without information on the base's interior. Shortly after Ottau finished relaying his report to Suthra, the Knight and crew arrived at the Ord Mantell Orbital Station and contacted the General. The Mon Calamari general instructed the Jedi to locate Ottau at Fort Garnik and to bring T7-O1—also known as Teeseven—along, as the astromech would be capable of retrieving the necessary data from the listening post's systems. Following her new master's instructions, Carsen remained on the station to safeguard their ship from scavengers.

After taking a shuttle down to Fort Garnik, the Knight and Teeseven met with Agent Ottau on the outskirts of the base and received the location of the Imperial facility from the operative. However, as the two crossed Avilatan to reach the island, Carsen was recognized by undercover Imperial Intelligence operatives aboard the space station, who then contacted Darth Angral. Upon reaching the listening post, the Knight and Teeseven fought their way through numerous Imperial soldiers—including the post's commander—to reach the entrance of the base. The pair then descended an elevator to the listening post's lower level, where they battled through over thirty soldiers and Imperial operatives as they ventured deeper into the facility. Around this time, Darth Angral arrived at the orbital station with Imperial Admiral Hacklin, the Sith Inquisitor Ferav, and several other retainers. His forces began interrogating Carsen about her teacher's location. However, Carsen skillfully deceived Angral into believing that the Knight was on the planet Corellia, prompting the Sith Lord to dispatch his forces in search of the Knight there. He himself departed with Admiral Hacklin to oversee the installation of the Desolator superweapon onto his personal warship, the Oppressor. Before leaving, Angral ordered a ship to transport Carsen to the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas for further interrogation. Angral left Ferav with several soldiers and Sith acolytes to guard Carsen until the ship arrived.

T7-O1 accesses the transceiver.

The Knight and Teeseven finally reached the facility's transceiver, encountering the last defender, a Lieutenant Marcovic. The soldier attempted to fend off the pair with a vibrosword. However, Marcovic was overwhelmed and severely wounded by his opponents. Teeseven activated the transceiver as Marcovic stumbled away. Hacking into the base's systems, Teeseven located the Planet Prison designs and Tarnis's transmissions to Angral, along with design files for a world-killer weapon codenamed the "Desolator." On the Knight's orders, Teeseven downloaded all available data, but Marcovic realized Teeseven's actions and attacked the transceiver with his vibrosword, managing to destroy it before the Knight could strike him down. With their mission complete, the Knight and Teeseven returned to Agent Ottau, informing him of the Imperial facility's vulnerability before taking a shuttle back to the orbital station. However, the pair discovered Ferav holding Carsen hostage in the airlock. Their standoff quickly escalated into a fight when the Sith abandoned his captive to engage the Jedi. In the ensuing battle, the Jedi and Teeseven defeated Ferav, his soldiers, and the acolytes. The duo then returned to their ship with Carsen after freeing her from her shackles.


Using the data acquired from the Ord Mantell outpost, the Jedi and the SIS determined that Angral was utilizing Tarnis's research to combine all of the Republic's weapons projects into a single weapon. This discovery confirmed Suthra's suspicions, as he had lost contact with Agent Galen on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. However, Suthra first dispatched the Knight, Carsen, and Teeseven to the planet Taris, suspecting that Angral would attempt to capture the former Republic scientist Nasan Godera—the creator of the technologies that the superweapon initiative had developed. The Knight and crew successfully rescued Godera from the Imperial Military and Imperial Intelligence. Godera later used the Desolator files to identify a flaw in the weapon when Angral attacked the Republic agriworld of Uphrades. From the files, Godera determined that the Desolator required an extended charging period. Using this information, the Knight and Carsen disabled the weapon before Angral could deploy it against the Jedi homeworld of Tython.

Behind the scenes

The mission to Ord Mantell was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, an MMORPG released by BioWare and LucasArts on December 20, 2011. It appears in the Jedi Knight mission "New Intelligence", the first mission of the class' Act I storyline. According to Hall Hood, the head writer for the Jedi Knight class, the mission to Ord Mantell was intended as a kind of "special event" for the class that would take the player to a planet that otherwise would be overlooked.

