Marcovic was a Human male who fought for the reconstituted Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic during their Cold War. Holding the rank of lieutenant within the Imperial Military, Marcovic was stationed at a clandestine listening post on the planet of Ord Mantell as the Cold War drew to a close. During the early days of Darth Angral's campaign of vengeance, which was triggered by the death of his son, the Sith Lord commandeered Republic superweapons and turned them against the Republic. The Republic Strategic Information Service subsequently tracked a holotransmission from Angral back to Ord Mantell, but the signal vanished beyond that point. Seeking intelligence on Angral's schemes, General Var Suthra of the Republic dispatched a young Jedi Knight and the astromech droid T7-O1 on a mission to the base. The pair infiltrated the facility and proceeded to hack into its databanks. Displaying unwavering loyalty to the Empire even when facing death, Marcovic gave his life to destroy the facility's subspace transceiver, hoping to prevent the Knight from obtaining the data.
Marcovic was a male Human who joined the Sith Empire's military during the Cold War with the Galactic Republic. By the year 3643 BBY, he had achieved the rank of Lieutenant. His assignment led him to a listening post situated on the planet Ord Mantell, where the staff gathered intelligence concerning the movements of Republic troops. In 3643 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Angral established contact with his son, Tarnis, who was located on the Republic capital world of Coruscant, as well as his apprentices Praven, Nefarid, and Sadic on other planets. To secure the transmission, Angral routed it through several planets, including the Imperial outpost on Ord Mantell.
However, upon witnessing his son's death at the hands of a Jedi Knight, Angral initiated declarations of war against both the Jedi Order and the Republic, seizing Republic superweapons as part of his crusade. The Republic Strategic Information Service (SIS), the Republic's intelligence agency, was successful in tracing Angral's holotransmission back to Ord Mantell, but lost the signal beyond that location. Angral's apprentices had exploited intelligence gathered by Tarnis, who had been operating undercover as a Republic scientist, to seize control of several Republic superweapon programs. General Var Suthra of the Republic Military then dispatched the Jedi Knight responsible for Tarnis's death to investigate the Ord Mantell facility and uncover Angral's plans. Accompanied by the astromech droid T7-O1, the Jedi discovered and attacked the base while Marcovic was stationed in the lower levels of the complex.

Marcovic, along with the other Imperial soldiers and officers stationed at the facility, prepared to defend the Imperial compound. By the time the two attackers reached the listening post's hyperspace transceiver, the Lieutenant was the only defender remaining. The Human officer attempted to defend the transceiver with his life, engaging the Knight and the droid in combat using his vibrosword. However, he was ultimately outmatched by the Knight's combat skills, and the Jedi inflicted severe injuries on the Lieutenant. Determined to prevent his enemy from gaining any advantage, Marcovic refused to divulge any information beyond his name and rank until he realized that the Jedi's astromech droid was attempting to access the facility's records. In a final, desperate attempt to thwart the Empire's enemies, the Lieutenant launched himself at the droid in a suicidal attack, destroying the transceiver before being struck down by the Knight's lightsaber.
Marcovic, a fair-skinned Human male with black eyes and black hair, also sported a small mustache. He possessed a strong sense of pride and unwavering loyalty to the Empire, holding the Jedi in contempt as symbols of the Republic. Even when mortally wounded, he refused to yield to potential interrogation, only providing his rank and name to the Jedi. He then attacked T7-O1 when the astromech attempted to access the listening post's records in a final, suicidal effort to protect the Empire. Unlike the other soldiers stationed at the listening post, Marcovic favored wielding a vibrosword in combat instead of a blaster.
Marcovic makes an appearance in the BioWare massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically within the Jedi Knight class storyline. He serves as the final boss in the Imperial Listening Post, encountered during the "New Intelligence" mission on Ord Mantell. Once the player reduces his health to near zero, a conversation with Marcovic commences, offering the player the choice to ask him to surrender, ignore him, or kill him for dark side points. While the first two options do not yield alignment points, Marcovic will attack the player upon realizing that T7-O1 is attempting to hack the facility's computers, ultimately leading to his demise regardless of the player's choice.