The Suurja system represented a star system situated within the Ojoster sector of the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy. This system was the location of Suurja, an agrarian planet boasting a breathable atmosphere and supporting a native species known as the Suurjans, alongside a colonist population numbering 16 million. By the year 3966 BBY, Suurja, the primary planet within its star system, functioned as a resource provider for the nearby city-covered planet of Taris. During the initial stages of the conflict between the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and the Galactic Republic, both factions engaged in four devastating, yet ultimately inconclusive, battles that took place on Suurja. In 3964 BBY, a significant number of Jedi crusaders were captured on Suurja by the Mandalorians. Millennia afterwards, control of the space surrounding the Suurja system shifted between various governing bodies, including the successor states of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.
Within the vast expanse of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, the Ojoster sector held the star system known as the Suurja system. The principal world within this star system was Suurja—an agrarian planet characterized by its breathable Type I atmosphere, suitable for members of the Human species.
Exploration of the space encompassing the Suurja system occurred between the years 5000 BBY and 3996 BBY. By 3966 BBY, Suurja, the primary planet of the star system, functioned as a crucial resource provider for Taris, a city-covered planet located nearby. In that same year, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, who had spent a decade conquering independent planets beyond the reach of the Galactic Republic, began to pose a threat to Suurja and other resource worlds vital to Taris. This prompted the Republic to extend membership and military protection to Taris. Consequently, the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line, a Republic security cordon, was established, placing the Suurja system on the front lines.
In the year following, Mandalorian forces engaged the Republic Military in four battles on Suurja, which proved to be inconclusive despite occurring over a span of six weeks. Following the fourth skirmish, the Mandalorian forces withdrew from the Suurja system. Subsequently, in 3964 BBY, a sizable contingent of Jedi Knights aligned with the Revanchist faction within the Jedi Order were ambushed and taken captive by Mandalorian forces on Suurja.
During the Clone Wars, which erupted millennia later, the Suurja system was located within Republic space. After the Galactic Empire fragmented in 4 ABY, the region of space containing the star system fell under the control of the warlord Zsinj's domain. Following Zsinj's death, the territory surrounding the Suurja system became integrated into Imperial Space, remaining there until the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn. During the Imperial Remnant's campaigns against the New Republic, the star system containing Suurja was under the control of the latter government. By the year 137 ABY, the Suurja system was situated within the borders of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, ruled by the Dark Lord of the Sith.
The primary world of the Suurja system, Suurja, was inhabited by the Suurjans, a species characterized by their lack of ears. This agrarian world also supported a colonist population of 16 million individuals. Many of Suurja's inhabitants were forced to become refugees as a consequence of the battles between the Republic and the Mandalorians that unfolded on the planet.
The Suurja system received its initial mention in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an article authored by John Jackson Miller and featured within the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Rebellion flip-book on March 1, 2006. Subsequently, in 2008, the star system was referenced in Suurja's entry within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. The Essential Atlas, a reference book co-authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace and released in 2009, provided a map placement for Suurja and its star system. The Atlas's Online Companion, later published on the official Star Wars website, located the Suurja system within the Ojoster sector.