Fong Do was a male Nautolan who made his home in the Coruscant Underworld during the time of the Clone Wars. He shared a strong friendship with Castas, the bounty hunter, and he often found enjoyment in having drinks at various bars throughout the galaxy.

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars] era, Fong Do maintained a close bond with Castas, the bounty hunter. Castas contacted him from the planet of Florrum after having a disagreement with Aurra Sing regarding a particular job. Fong reminded Castas about his prior warnings against working with Sing, but Castas disregarded this and quickly mentioned that he possessed valuable information. However, before he could reveal this information, Sing shot and killed him.
Later on, Do was in the Moshi Bar, where he recounted the events to a Weequay pirate who belonged to Hondo Ohnaka's gang. Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi, overheard the conversation, causing Do to draw two knives on her. However, Plo Koon intervened by activating his lightsaber, stopping him. Tano then reached into her tunic, pulled out some credits, and threw them into the crowd, which allowed her and the Jedi Master to leave the bar.
Do was also present at Jabba's Palace when Supreme Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida and his son Ion were in the process of tracking down the bounty hunter, Greedo, due to his involvement in the kidnapping of his two daughters.
James Arnold Taylor provided the voice for Fong Do in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Lethal Trackdown."