The Gampassa represented a species of turtle that was native to the oceans of the planet called Glee Anselm. Their skin was observed to be wrinkled and gray, while their bodies exhibited a round and elongated form. From the front and rear of these creatures, a large head and a diminutive tail protruded, respectively. These turtles were equipped with six pointed flippers, with the two front appendages being notably longer than the others. One Gampassa, at the very least, reached a length of 2,310 meters, and the substantial size of this species enabled the Nautolans, another indigenous species of Glee Anselm, to utilize their shell, which functioned like a shield, as foundations for their villages. These Gampassa would periodically emerge from and submerge into the ocean waters approximately every few centuries, resulting in the birth of successive generations of Nautolans either above or below the water's surface.
Belonging to the species of turtle known as the Gampassa, these creatures possessed wrinkled, gray skin, along with a rounded, oblong physique that incorporated a brown, shield-like shell. These creatures were characterized by six triangular flippers that tapered to points; these appendages were arranged symmetrically on both the left and right sides of their bodies, with the forelimbs exhibiting a significantly greater length than the remaining limbs. A diminutive tail graced the anterior of these creatures, while nostrils were positioned between the eyes on their prominent, bulbous heads. At least one individual of this species attained a length of 2,310 meters.
The Gampassa species originated in the oceans of Glee Anselm, a planet situated in the Mid Rim. The immense size of these creatures led the Nautolans, another native species of Glee Anselm, to repurpose the shells of the Gampassa as foundations for their villages, complete with landing platforms constructed on top. The cyclical emergence and submergence of these turtles, occurring roughly every few centuries, resulted in the birth of entire generations of the planet's indigenous Nautolans either above or below the water's surface, depending on the turtle's position.

The Gampassa species was originally planned for inclusion in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season episode titled "Children of the Force," which was released on October 9, 2009, but was ultimately removed from the final cut. Concept art depicting the species was included as part of the bonus content in the 2010 Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Two Blu-ray release. One of the images bore the signature of concept artist Jackson Sze, along with the date December 12, 2007.
Further discussion regarding the species took place in 2012's Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Four. In that discussion, Supervising Director Dave Filoni provided additional details concerning the intended inclusion of the turtles in the series, showcasing concept art and Maya 3D models of landing platforms situated on the creatures' backs. Lead character designer Kilian Plunkett also inquired of Filoni about the turtles' dietary habits, considering their immense size, to which Filoni speculated that sourcing food in their environment would pose a significant challenge. The 2013 Star Wars Blog article "Drawing from the Imagination: Mythological Creatures in Star Wars, Part 2," penned by Tim Veekhoven and Kevin Beentjes, featured the Gampassa and drew attention to its resemblance to the Hah-nu-nah turtle island found in Native American oral traditions. The plural form of the species' name was never officially established.