Gifting With Grogu

Gifting With Grogu, a non-canon animated short produced by LEGO, was launched on November 18, 2022. You could find it on the LEGO YouTube channel as well as This short is a component of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season collection.

Official description

The Mandalorian and Grogu embark on a journey aboard their N-1 starfighter, delivering presents to various locations throughout the galaxy.

Plot summary

The short film commences with Din Djarin preparing a substantial quantity of holiday gifts alongside Grogu. Subsequently, Djarin utilizes his N-1 starfighter to transport a sled loaded with the presents to Boba Fett's palace. While en route, they overfly Mos Espa.

Upon arriving at Fett's palace, where Fett and his company are celebrating, Fennec Shand, who is on security duty, grants Djarin and Grogu entry into the throne room after verifying their friendly intentions. Djarin distributes gifts to Fett's associates, including the two Gamorrean guards. Djarin presents Fett with a brand-new jetpack, which results in Fett unintentionally soaring through the palace ceiling during its initial trial.

Subsequently, Djarin and Grogu proceed to distribute presents to Peli Motto and other patrons at a local establishment, before making a visit to a Tusken Raider clan. One of the Tuskens expresses a strong desire for an umbrella, but is carried away by the powerful desert winds. In the vastness of space, Djarin hands out gifts to New Republic X-wing starfighter pilots Captain Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf. Upon their return to Tatooine, Djarin presents a Jawa clan with an elongated speeder bike, which they promptly crash.

In the final scene, Djarin and Grogu make their way to the rocky terrain of Maldo Kreis. When Grogu displays unhappiness due to the absence of presents for himself, Djarin gives him a silver ball, which succeeds in lifting Grogu's spirits.

