Gronson "Shifty" Takkaro was a gambler of the Dug species and previously held the position of manager at the Daystar Casino located on Ahakista. Earlier in his life, he served as a bookmaker for Jenkes, who oversaw a gladiator fighting arena on the planet called Nyriaan. Eventually, Takkaro incurred a debt to Hack Fenlon, an Imperial senator, resulting in a bounty being placed for his capture. Consequently, Takkaro escaped to the world of Lothal, where he was hunted by the bounty hunter Bossk. Jenkes, who had risen to the rank of an official within the Imperial Security Bureau, intervened to thwart Bossk's capture of Takkaro as repayment for a prior favor. Ezra Bridger, a young resident of Lothal, assisted Bossk in revealing Jenkes' corrupt activities.
During the Age of the Empire, Gronson Takkaro was a Dug with a reputation as both a gambler and a criminal. At some point in his past, he was employed by Jenkes as a bookmaker, assisting in the operation of a gladiator arena situated on the planet Nyriaan. Even after Jenkes' advancement to the position of an official within the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) on Lothal, their alliance persisted, with each seeking opportunities to aid the other. Later, Takkaro relocated to Ahakista, assuming the role of operations manager at the Daystar Casino. His gambling habits led him into debt with several influential figures on Ahakista, notably the Imperial senator Hack Fenlon. Following Takkaro's departure from the planet, Senator Fenlon issued a bounty through the Bounty Hunters' Guild, prompting the dispatch of Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, with the mission of capturing him alive and returning him to Ahakista.
Takkaro managed to sneak onto a drone barge to reach Lothal. For the subsequent nine days, he was a regular at Ake's Tavern, a dubious establishment located in the northern area of Capital City. While on Lothal, Takkaro received protection from his former associate Jenkes, who had become a lieutenant in the ISB and had assumed the identity of his deceased colleague, Lieutenant Herdringer. After nine days had passed, Bossk arrived on Lothal with the intention of capturing Takkaro and extraditing him back to Ahakista. Upon his arrival above Lothal, Bossk made contact with Jenkes, who was posing as Lieutenant Herdringer. Given that Bossk was participating in a bounty sanctioned by the government, Jenkes had little choice but to provide the Trandoshan bounty hunter with information regarding Takkaro's whereabouts.
However, Jenkes secretly tasked Angrigo, a Duros assassin, along with two Nikto assassins known as the Kratchell twins, to ensure Takkaro's safety. Jenke's criminal associates arrived at Ake's Tavern just before Bossk. Upon their arrival, they informed Takkaro that their purpose was to shield him from Bossk. Shortly after, Ezra Bridger, a local Human guide, entered the bar under the guise of selling tickets for Gladiator Night. In reality, Bossk had sent him as a decoy. At that moment, Takkaro was seated next to Angrigo, receiving a drink from a Human bartender.
Angrigo and the Kratchell twins, recognizing Ezra as the young guide working with Bossk, were on the verge of opening fire when Bossk himself entered the bar. During the ensuing firefight, Bossk swiftly eliminated the Kratchell twins using his mortar gun. Takkaro attempted to attack Ezra with his vibroblade, but the Human youth retaliated by firing his [energy slingshot](/article/energy_slingshot] at the Dug, rendering him unconscious. Bossk then killed Angrigo, who had attempted to finish off Ezra with his blaster. With the opposition neutralized within the bar, Bossk roused Takkaro from his unconscious state.
Bossk took Takkaro into custody and questioned him about his assassin bodyguards. The Dug responded that he was unaware of their names, only that they had been sent to protect him. When Bossk inquired about who had hired the assassins, the Dug claimed ignorance and suggested that Bossk question the assassins themselves, who had perished during the gun battle in the bar. Takkaro then relapsed into unconsciousness. Before Bossk could awaken him, a squad of stormtroopers known as Squad Five arrived. Despite Bossk's possession of an Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate, they demanded that the Trandoshan surrender Shifty Takkaro. Bossk refused and detonated a concussion grenade inside Ake's Tavern before fleeing outside with Takkaro and Bridger.
During the exchange of gunfire with Imperial forces, Bossk was compelled to abandon his acquisition. Following a chase, Bossk and Ezra sought refuge in Ezra's tower hideout to recover. In the meantime, Squad Five apprehended the injured Takkaro and placed him in Imperial custody. Having failed to eliminate Bossk and his local guide, Lieutenant Jenkes issued orders for all Imperial forces to eliminate them and even offered a bounty for Bossk's capture. Collaborating, Bossk and Ezra uncovered Takkaro's connections to Lieutenant Jenkes within the underworld and exposed Jenkes' criminal activities to the Imperial authorities stationed on Lothal.
Being a Dug, Shifty Takkaro used his upper limbs for walking and his agile feet for manipulating objects. Throughout his career as a criminal, Takkaro was involved in a number of illicit ventures, including assisting in the management of a gladiator arena on Nyriaan and a casino on Ahakista. His gambling habit led to difficulties in settling his debts, eventually leading to a conflict with Senator Hack Fenlon, who put a bounty on his head. He also demonstrated proficiency in wielding a vibroblade.