In the year 25 ABY, a significant event unfolded: Prince Isolder and Archon Beed Thane engaged in a formal honor duel. This duel was precipitated by Ambassador Leia Organa Solo's diplomatic mission to Hapes, seeking the assistance of the Hapes Consortium in the ongoing Yuuzhan Vong War. Thane, an opponent of the Consortium's involvement, directed insults towards Organa Solo and Isolder's Jedi daughter, Tenel Ka Djo. Isolder, a supporter of the Ambassador, retaliated by striking Thane, thereby initiating a traditional Hapan honor duel. The confrontation quickly materialized, employing an ancient style of hand-to-hand combat. Isolder ultimately emerged victorious after the referee unexpectedly declared a sudden death round. Consequently, the Hapes Consortium resolved to join the fight against the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders.

In the year 25 ABY, Leia Organa Solo, serving as the New Republic's Ambassador, journeyed to the planet of Hapes. Her mission was to solicit aid from the Hapes Consortium in the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict against the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong, who had already conquered several New Republic planets, creating a large number of refugees without homes. Welcomed by Prince Isolder and his family, she delivered a speech to the Hapan delegates, warning of the invaders' danger. Following her address, the delegates debated whether to support the New Republic by joining the war, scheduling a vote for a few days later. Beed Thane, the Archon of Vergill, voiced his opposition to the Consortium's involvement and insulted both Organa Solo and Tenel Ka Djo, Isolder's Jedi Knight daughter, in Isolder's presence. Isolder then struck Thane, triggering a Hapan honor duel.

The duel was set to occur at Reef Fortress, the royal family's private coastal retreat. Isolder, who had selected the location, spent the night before the duel there with his family, Organa Solo, and a small group of advisors. Because Thane was the one who had been offended and humiliated by Isolder's slap, he was given the choice of weapon for the duel. He chose a form of hand-to-hand combat originating from a martial art developed by the Lorell Raiders. Both participants were required to wear power gloves and boots fitted with electrodes, along with headguards and body armor equipped with sensors connected to a remote receiver that would register impacts. This setup allowed the referee to track the score and, if he chose, initiate a sudden death stipulation.
As an additional measure, duelists typically agreed to avoid inflicting serious injury, but the Prince and the Archon waived these restrictions. Before the fight, Thane, representing House Thane, pledged that if Isolder won, Vergill would vote to support the New Republic against the Yuuzhan Vong. Isolder, representing the Hapan Royal House, pledged that if Thane won, Hapes would not provide support. This wager sparked controversy among the spectators, who favored Thane due to his greater height and muscular build.
The referee started the duel by dropping a red scarf. The fight began when the scarf reached the ground. Both the Archon and the Prince fought primarily on foot, with Thane using traditional techniques and Isolder using simple boxing. After several minutes, Isolder and Thane each scored their first point in quick succession. Soon after, they each scored another point, and the referee called a sudden death round. Following this, Thane injured Isolder's left forearm. Ultimately, Isolder defeated Thane with a roundhouse kick to the head, winning the duel.
The vote occurred shortly after, with each planet in the Consortium having an equal vote. As Thane had promised, Vergill voted in favor of joining the war. With thirty-two votes for and thirty-one against, the Consortium committed its support to the New Republic. However, immediately after the vote, Organa Solo had a Force vision of impending disaster and pleaded with Isolder to call for a re-vote, falsely claiming that Hapes had changed its position. Isolder dismissed her concerns and invited her aboard his flagship, the Song of War, for the journey to the galactic capital of Coruscant, where the Hapan Royal Navy detachment sent to assist the New Republic was to be briefed on the Yuuzhan Vong and their strategies. However, Organa Solo's fears were realized when over half of the Hapan fleet was destroyed during the Battle of Fondor.
The honor duel was depicted in James Luceno's 2000 novel, The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse.