The Hoth asteroid field, alternatively called the Hoth asteroid belt or the Anoat Asteroid Belt, was an asteroid field that straddled the borders of both the Hoth and Anoat systems, situated close to the planet of Hoth.

This asteroid belt near Hoth was comprised of countless asteroids, with sizes ranging from small to enormous, some even comparable to small moons. Approximately 66% of these asteroids were of a sufficient size to completely destroy a starship the size of an YT-1300 light freighter upon collision, while some were large enough to wreak havoc on capital ships. The area was also home to creatures such as the exogorth Sy-O, residing within the "Big One" asteroid, and the mynocks.
Following the Alliance to Restore the Republic's forced abandonment of Yavin 4 in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, they initiated a search for a new headquarters. Ultimately, the rebels selected the planet Hoth for their new base, largely because the asteroids present in the Hoth system served as a natural and effective defense against potential intruders.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth, the crew of the Millennium Falcon, while being pursued by Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, discovered that their hyperdrive was malfunctioning. Consequently, they ventured into the asteroid belt as a means of evading their pursuers. Despite the extreme difficulty of navigating such a field without suffering catastrophic damage, the Falcon successfully shook off its pursuers (who were all destroyed in collisions with asteroids) and concealed itself within one of the largest asteroids. Death Squadron—the Imperial fleet under the direct command of Darth Vader himself—gave chase, but the asteroid field proved treacherous, inflicting severe damage and resulting in the destruction of at least one Star Destroyer when a massive asteroid obliterated its bridge. The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor also sustained damage before Admiral Piett advised Vader to contact Emperor Palpatine, prompting the Executor's withdrawal from the asteroid field so Vader could transmit a clear message.