Houk–Weequay conflicts

The Houk–Weequay conflicts designate a sequence of wars and minor battles between the species of Houk colonists and the indigenous Weequay on Sriluur. These conflicts occurred over an extended period, culminating in a particularly brutal civil war that lasted for a decade leading up to the Battle of Yavin.

While the Weequay had their origins on Sriluur, the Houk colonists did not arrive until 282 BBY, when they established the Houk Territories in proximity to the Weequay city of Dnalvec. Despite not being the initial colonizers of Sriluur, the Houk became deeply resented cultural adversaries of the Weequay. Tensions escalated, resulting in multiple full-scale wars. Hostilities between the two groups gained widespread attention after a Weequay-Houk altercation on Coruscant was reported on the HoloNet.

Around 10 BBY, the strained relationship between the two species once again descended into civil war. Throughout this period, the Houk Territories remained under constant martial law as Houk forces advanced into Weequay territories located in southern Sriluur. Weequay military units, including the Dnalvec Militia, resisted these advances, incurring significant losses but ultimately safeguarding their territories. The Houk initiated a peace agreement, although hostilities never completely ceased. Shortly after the decade-long war concluded, just before the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire arrived on Sriluur and imposed its rule, effectively ending further conflicts.



The Weequay species were native inhabitants of the harsh, rocky world of Sriluur, located in the Outer Rim. Although they were technologically less advanced compared to the galactic standard and known for their propensity for violence and thuggery, numerous Weequay ventured beyond Sriluur into the broader galaxy. Sriluur was largely self-sufficient, yet it attracted considerable interest from off-world entities. Smugglers, pirates, and crime lords frequently established bases there due to the planet's strategic proximity to Hutt Space. Eventually, foreign species accounted for nearly 10% of the planet's total population.

In 282 BBY, thousands of Houk colonists from Lijuter settled on Sriluur, establishing themselves in the remote Lesser Cueva region along the planet's equator, which became known as the Houk Territories. These territories were situated only thirty kilometers from the northern edge of Dnalvec, the largest Weequay city, and many Houk resided within Dnalvec itself. Relations between the Weequay and Houk were consistently strained, but they coexisted in relative peace for many years, effectively "sharing" the planet. However, they evolved into bitter cultural rivals, and their shared inclination towards violence caused escalating tensions to erupt into open warfare on several occasions. Given the Houk's proximity to Dnalvec, the highly trained Dnalvec Militia was created to counter any Houk incursions. Many militia members, comprising both male and female warriors in equal numbers, became soldiers and mercenaries for the Hutts and other crime lords during periods of peace on Sriluur. While the Dnalvec Militia was not the only Weequay military force, it was the most respected among Sriluur's populace. Even during times of relative calm, Sriluurian dark wolves, creatures deeply ingrained in Weequay religion and frequently trained by them, often attacked the Houk Territories, making them highly favored by the Weequay.

Final conflict


Houk and Weequay brawling on Coruscant.

During the final decades of the Galactic Republic's rule, relations between the Weequay and Houk were comparatively amicable, although sporadic violence remained inevitable. In 22 BBY, the animosity between the two species gained wider galactic recognition after the HoloNet reported on a brawl between Weequay and Houk individuals on Coruscant. Groups from each race were immigrating into Eastport and were placed in adjacent holding rooms while awaiting processing. Neither group wanted to wait near their hated rivals, and after their complaints were ignored, they began to verbally abuse one another. The argument escalated into a physical altercation between Ker-Zakk and Egome Fass, culminating in a large-scale brawl. Many combatants were armed with improvised shivs and concealed blades, and the fight spread from the processing center to a nearby food court. Numerous bystanders and those attempting to intervene were severely injured.

Despite the injuries to bystanders, many found the fight entertaining, drawing large crowds of spectators. Eastport Security eventually arrived to quell the disturbance, initially firing warning shots into the air before resorting to stun blasts. The resilient Houk were initially unaffected, misinterpreting the Weequay's collapse as a sign of their victory and fighting even harder. After three hours, Eastport Security managed to stun the Houk and clear the area. The total death toll reached fifteen, with forty-five individuals injured. The violence continued even during a Judicial hearing when Ker-Zakk and Egome Fass overpowered the bailiffs and exchanged blows until they were stunned again.

All-out war

During Palpatine's New Order, Houk–Weequay hostilities reached their peak in decades. Approximately ten years before the Battle of Yavin, a full-scale civil war erupted. Houk forces attempted to seize Weequay territories, met with fierce resistance. The Houk Territories were placed under constant martial law, with Houk militants attacking Weequay cities south of Dnalvec and the Houk Territories. The Dnalvec Militia fought against the invading Houk, suffering heavy casualties. Adazian Liebke was among the warriors who fought in the militia against Houk forces.

Both species were relatively primitive compared to mainstream galactic society, relying on simplistic weaponry. Due to their immense physical strength, often compared to that of the Wookiee species from Kashyyyk, a single Houk could engage multiple Weequay simultaneously. The Weequay used blades against the Houk, who often fought unarmed, relying on brute strength. One type of blade used by the Weequay was the vibro-glaive, which helped even the odds. The Weequay also deployed native dark wolves against the Houk. Adazian Liebke became a dark wolf handler, using the nocturnal creatures against the Houk at night. Both species were determined to win the war and focused on importing military goods and weapons from off-world. After about ten years of intense warfare, the Weequay successfully defended their territories, albeit with significant losses. The Houk initiated the peace.


Adazian Liebke, a bitter veteran of the war.

The conflicts officially ended, but sporadic fighting persisted, particularly among the younger generations. This residual conflict was suppressed by the Empire's arrival and subjugation of both species. Sriluur was brought under Imperial control, serving as a staging area for distributing the region's raw materials to Kuat Drive Yards. The planet was chosen due to its accessibility from the nearby Ka'Dedus and Verde systems to the Core Worlds. The Empire established garrisons in Meirm City and occupied land recently defended by the Dnalvec Militia. Disgusted by this, some former Weequay soldiers, including Adazian Liebke, left Sriluur. With their military services no longer needed, many Dnalvec militiamen became mercenaries and bounty hunters, primarily working for the Hutts. The remaining militia indirectly supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic, while some former members, including Adazian Liebke, officially joined the Alliance. The Empire retaliated by bombing most of the Dnalvec Militia's outposts in the Lesser Cueva region.

With the Houk–Weequay conflicts over, both species refocused on galactic trade, shifting away from military imports. While the twelve-year war prior to the Battle of Yavin was the last major Houk–Weequay conflict, underlying hostility remained. Younger members of both species often clashed, with street gangs engaging in deadly rumbles using blaster pistols, grenades, vibroblades, and other weapons. Some individuals, like Kutuab the Hutt, profited from these fights by selling arms to both sides. Houk militants also attempted to undermine Weequay faith by toppling idols in Meirm. Furthermore, Houk and Weequay populations were never integrated within mixed cities; in Meirm, their enclaves were separated by a major speeder thoroughfare known as the "front line."

After the Empire withdrew from Sriluur, the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong arrived and overran the Weequay defenses, enslaving many inhabitants. The Weequay believed that the arrival of the Houk colonists in 282 BBY marked the beginning of the calamitous changes and constant conflict that had plagued their world ever since.



The Weequay were a resilient species, characterized by their rough and gnarled skin, a result of their evolution on the harsh desert planet Sriluur. They were originally the planet's sole sentient inhabitants, although other species, including the Houk, eventually arrived. Weequay frequently worked as bounty hunters, mercenaries, and pirates, earning them a reputation for being dangerous. They were often perceived as having explosive, violent tendencies, yet they also appeared unemotional and reserved. The Weequay were deeply religious, worshiping numerous gods, including Quay, the "god of the moon," whom they contacted using various trinkets and totems.

Although the Houk were not the first foreign species to arrive on Sriluur, their differences with the Weequay quickly made them cultural enemies. During the conflicts, the Weequay compensated for their smaller size compared to the hulking Houk with greater numbers, as a single Houk could take on multiple Weequay, especially when only bladed weapons were used. The Weequay also used nocturnal dark wolves against their enemies. Many Weequay sacrificed their lives to protect their lands from the Houk.


The Houk originated from Lijuter in the Ansuroer sector, but after contacting spacefaring Vaathkree traders, they established colonies in nearby sectors. The Houk were hulking humanoids, averaging over two meters in height, known for their strength and violent tempers. They often resorted to violence as a solution to problems, frequently engaging in wars where diplomacy might have been more effective.

Each of the thirty-one Houk colonies that survived until the New Order, including the one on Sriluur, evolved uniquely, developing different forms of government, customs, and behavioral standards. Despite these differences, all ultimately answered to the Lijuter Congress, although Houk internal politics were considered treacherous. A common trait among many Houk colonies was their tendency to cause strife with local populations, and Sriluur was no exception. The Houk established their colony close to the Weequay capital, Dnalvec, which, combined with cultural differences, angered the natives.

Behind the scenes

The Houk–Weequay conflicts were conceived by Craig Robert Carey and first mentioned briefly in The Greel Wood Haven, an article published in the Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 in 1995. A month later, in June 1995, Alliance Intelligence Reports, also written by Carey and others, briefly mentioned the conflicts. They were further elaborated upon in the Weequay entry of Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (1995), written by Carey, and in Secrets of the Sisar Run (1997), co-authored by Carey and Pablo Hidalgo.

HoloNet News Vol. 531 46 by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens was the first non-West End Games publication to feature the conflict in 2002, and it was also referenced in Vol. 531 49. The conflict was subsequently detailed in Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (2004), with Craig Robert Carey again involved in the writing. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008), by Pablo Hidalgo, Stephen J. Sansweet, Daniel Wallace, and Bob Vitas, mentioned the conflicts in both the Houk and Weequay entries.

