The Berenko Family originated on the planet of Naboo. Following the Battle of Yavin, during the era of the Galactic Civil War, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker journeyed to Tibrin aboard the starship named Breha. They were disguised as members of the Berenko Family, ostensibly undertaking a diplomatic assignment. Their true objective, however, was to convince the Ishi Tib to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
The initial mention of the Berenko Family appeared in "The Trouble at Tibrin," which was a story featured in the fourth issue of the Star Wars Adventures comic series from 2017. Although two Naboo individuals sharing the Berenko surname, specifically New Republic Senator Thadlé and the poet Omar, were identified in reference materials such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary and Star Wars: Complete Locations, it remains uncertain whether they are connected to this family.