The Idiot's Array, a corvette that had undergone modifications, belonged to Talon Karrde's fleet, who was a well-known smuggler. When the Yuuzhan Vong War saw the Invasion of Yavin 4, this vessel played a crucial role in transporting the younglings from the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 to the relative safety of Coruscant.
Talon Karrde, a prominent smuggler and information broker, was the owner of the modified corvette known as the Idiot's Array. The vessel's designation was a reference to a specific hand within the card game sabacc.
During 26 ABY in the midst of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Idiot's Array was among the ships accompanying the Wild Karrde to Yavin 4. Their mission was to extract the students of the Jedi Praxeum from the attack orchestrated by the Peace Brigade, who intended to hand them over to the Yuuzhan Vong. After Talon Karrde successfully rescued the children, along with their protectors Kam and Tionne Solusar, from the surface of Yavin 4, the Idiot's Array, under the direction of Shada D'ukal, conveyed them and Tionne to Coruscant. There, Luke Skywalker arranged for a more secure location for their continued training.
Following the delivery of the younglings to Coruscant, Shada piloted the Idiot's Array back to Yavin 4 to assist Karrde in rescuing the remaining Jedi trainees: Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, Valin Horn, and Sannah. The Jedi joined forces with Remis Vehn, a pilot who had arrived at Yavin 4 in the service of the Peace Brigade, and Qorl, a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot who had resided on Yavin 4 for quite some time. Together, they managed to repair Vehn's ship and escape the planet. However, the Yuuzhan Vong launched an assault in space, prompting the Idiot's Array, along with the Sudden Demise and the Etherway (the two fastest ships in Karrde's fleet), to escort the Wild Karrde in an effort to aid the Jedi. During the initial engagement, the Demise was destroyed. The Idiot's Array sustained damage shortly thereafter but maintained pace with the Wild Karrde until a second hit crippled its engines. In a desperate maneuver, all available energy within the Idiot's Array was rerouted to the tractor beam to establish a lock on the Yuuzhan Vong destroyer targeting Vehn's ship. With a lock secured, the crew, including Shada D'ukal, abandoned the Idiot's Array via the escape pods, setting it on autopilot. The ship's [reactor core](/article/reactor-legends] then went critical, resulting in an explosion that obliterated both the Idiot's Array and the Yuuzhan Vong destroyer, leaving only one destroyer for the Wild Karrde to contend with.
The Idiot's Array made its debut appearance in Greg Keyes's 2001 novel, The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest. This novel served as the opening installment of the Edge of Victory Duology and a component of the broader New Jedi Order series. Subsequently, it received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was published in 2008.