
The word illuminator encompassed various light-producing objects. One example was a lamp featuring a dark blue, porous, ovoid form with a silver piece projecting from its top, resting in a silver bowl supported by a tripod stand. In 19 BBY, one such illuminator was situated on a small table next to a Naboo chair. This was in the corner across from the entrance of Senator Padmé Amidala's bedroom, who was a representative of the planet Naboo. This bedroom was located within her apartment inside the Senate apartment complex on the world of Coruscant.

The term "illuminator" could also refer to portable instruments, such as those utilized by members of Kanjiklub, including Razoo Qin-Fee. They used these while conducting a search of the Baleen-class heavy freighter named Eravana during the events of 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

An illuminator made its debut appearance in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, a film from the prequel trilogy that was released on May 19, 2005. Within current Star Wars canon, the illuminator was identified by Alan Dean Foster in the 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization. These devices originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, with their initial mention occurring in the 1984 reference book A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, authored by Raymond L. Velasco.

