Jedi Trials chamber

The Jedi Trials chamber was a spacious area situated within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It served the Jedi Order as a designated location for administering the Jedi Trials to aspiring Jedi. A specialized system within the chamber could project realistic simulations of various Jedi and Sith, providing challenges to test the skills of a Jedi.


This chamber, built inside the Temple Ziggurat, underwent multiple destructions and rebuilds throughout the Temple's extensive history, finally being completed in 1000 BBY during the time of the Galactic Republic. For nearly a millennium afterward, the Trials Chambers were used by countless generations of Padawans as they sought to successfully join the ranks of the Jedi Knights.

During the final millennium of the Old Republic, the Council of First Knowledge, recognizing the need for a permanent space to effectively conduct the Jedi Trials, established this specialized chamber within the largest Jedi academy in the galaxy. Padawans ready to face the Trials would encounter a series of tests designed to assess their abilities and resolve by pitting them against simulated versions of the most formidable Jedi and Sith in galactic history.

Although not all Trials occurred within this specific chamber due to the large number of students at the Temple's academy and the unique circumstances surrounding each apprentice's knighting, the Temple successfully elevated thousands of Knights over the centuries.

As the bloody Clone Wars ended, the Republic, which the Jedi had faithfully served, was dismantled and transformed into the Galactic Empire. The Temple was placed under military control as a result of Contingency Order 66. Led by Darth Vader, the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic attacked the Temple, executing its inhabitants and causing damage to the structure. The Temple's Trial Chamber sustained only minor damage, such as blaster marks and fallen statues, but remained structurally intact.

In 2 BBY, with a small group of stormtroopers still occupying the Temple, Darth Vader dispatched his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to the Temple to complete the Trial of Skill. After navigating past the stormtrooper-guarded entry hall, Starkiller ventured deep into the Temple and located the Trials Chamber. Upon entering, the old Trials Program activated, and a simulacrum of Darth Desolous emerged from the shadows to duel the assassin. Following an intense lightsaber battle, Starkiller used the Force to topple the statue of Emperor Palpatine that had been installed at the chamber's far end. With the Trial completed, Starkiller departed the Temple with a new mission from his master.

Some weeks after the duel, the hall leading to the chamber collapsed, rendering the room inaccessible. The Hall remained silent for several decades, accumulating dust and gradually deteriorating. Following the deaths of Darth Sidious and Vader, the Empire weakened and was ultimately ousted from Coruscant by the New Republic. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant suffered extensive damage from terraforming, causing the Temple to crumble and expose parts of its foundation. When the Galactic Alliance reclaimed the planet, Chief of State Cal Omas commissioned the Reconstruction Authority to rebuild the ancient structure as a tribute to the great sacrifices made by the reformed Order against the Yuuzhan Vong. While the reconstruction utilized the original blueprints, it remains unknown whether the Trials Chamber was rebuilt or replaced.

Layout and style

This chamber, situated deep within the Temple Ziggurat, was a high-ceilinged room constructed from dark stone and dimly illuminated. Accessed via an ancient passage way, this doorless hall featured several stepped areas adorned with stone and bronzium statues of deceased Jedi Masters. The room's architecture housed the Jedi Trials Program, which was capable of generating simulacrums of ancient warriors able to duel and injure Padawans sent to defeat them.

After the Order's downfall, the Emperor opened the room for tours, inviting Coruscant's elite to witness the Jedi's demise. Within the Trials chamber, Palpatine erected a massive statue of himself, symbolizing his dominance over the Jedi.

