Brandy made from Jogan fruit was a specific kind of brandy produced using jogan fruit, which is a kind of purple fruit. The human Sinjir Rath Velus once consumed some of this brandy and found it to be more potent than the alcoholic drink ale.
During a visit to the Alcazar cantina located on the Outer Rim planet Akiva in 4 ABY, Velus tried to order a glass of jogan fruit brandy from the human bartender working there. The bartender explained to Velus that the Alcazar wasn't sophisticated enough to have the brandy on hand, and then went on to tell Velus about the cantina's other available beverages, including starfire 'skee, grog, and ale. Velus then opted for a mug of the 'skee, an alcoholic drink that, in his opinion, tasted like consuming raw laserfire.
The novel Aftermath mentions jogan fruit brandy; this novel was written by Chuck Wendig in 2015 and is the first book in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.