Starfire 'skee

Starfire 'skee was an alcoholic drink. Back in 22 BBY, a blue version of starfire 'skee was offered at the Outlander Club, a venue located on the planet of Coruscant. It was displayed in a tall container situated behind the club's main bar. Additionally, starfire 'skee was served at the Alcazar cantina found on the planet Akiva, but this variant was a muddy brown color and had a taste reminiscent of laser fire.

Sometime between 12 and 11 BBY, the Jedi Master named Cere Junda internally compared the pleasurable and addictive sensation of maintaining a connection to the Force with both spice and starfire 'skee.

A few months following the Battle of Endor, [Sinjir Rath Velus](/article/sinjir_rath_velus], a human and former Imperial officer, tried to order some Jogan fruit brandy at the Alcazar. However, the bartender informed him that only ale, grog, and the 'skee were available. Velus decided to order a jorum of the 'skee, and he felt it burn a fiery path through his insides as he drank it quickly. Patrons of the Alcazar who consumed too much 'skee were ejected through the "shame door" and into a nearby alley.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Starfire 'skee appeared in the novel titled Aftermath, which was written by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015. Later, in 2019, the reference book Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills retroactively established (retconned) one of the drinks seen in the 2002 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, as starfire 'skee.

