Johhar Kessen

Johhar Kessen was a male human who served as the senator representing the planet of Dandoran during the Galactic Civil War era. Instead of participating in the Imperial Senate, his fascination with the criminal world led him to become a mercenary, primarily offering his services to the Galactic Empire. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Kessen was imprisoned in order to control his constituents, but the Alliance to Restore the Republic, aided by the local cell, freed him during the Battle for Tatooine.

Personality and traits

Kessen had brown hair and brown eyes, identifying him as a human male. He had a strong interest in hunting, and he even bribed Saponza's gang with valuable information to join them on a big game hunt. His fascination with the criminal underworld ultimately led him to a career as a mercenary. He also liked to create nicknames, at one point calling Saponza "Sappo".

Skills and abilities

Kessen aims with his rifle, nicknamed Karina

Kessen gained recognition as a skilled combatant, particularly adept at taking down infantry, vehicles, droidekas, and even other heroes. However, his main focus in battle was eliminating enemy infantry units.


Karina was the name Kessen gave to his black blaster rifle. It had a magnetic pulse cannon attached, allowing it to fire a powerful shot that could penetrate multiple targets. Kessen's typical attire consisted of beige clothing, complemented by a gray and blue vest. He also wore gray and blue shoulder pads and gray wrist cuffs.

Behind the scenes

The character of Johhar Kessen is featured in Star Wars: Commander, a mobile strategy game developed by Disney Interactive, where he is available as a hero obtained through campaign rewards.

