Kaleesh-Yam'rii war

The protracted struggle between the reptilian Kaleesh species hailing from the planet Kalee and the insectoid Yam'rii species originating from the planet Huk unfolded as a drawn-out conflict within the Wild Space region of the galaxy.


The technologically inferior reptilian Kaleesh were subdued by the ravenous Yam'rii, a rapacious insectoid species from the planet Huk within the same system. These Yam'rii ruthlessly invaded numerous worlds in their sector, plundering resources, selling inhabitants into slavery, and seeking formidable adversaries. The consequences were dire when the Yam'rii turned their attention to Kalee, the homeworld of the Kaleesh.


A devastating and continuous war raged between the merciless reptilian Kaleesh and their technologically superior insectoid Yam'rii foes. Over time, Qymaen jai Sheelal mastered brutal and resolute strategy, battle tactics, and the art of warfare during the conflict against the Yam'rii. He also cultivated the ability to inspire, motivate, and effectively lead his Kaleesh comrades. Sheelal would later adopt the moniker "Grievous" and assemble the Izvoshra, a band of valiant warriors, to serve as his elite personal guard, fighting alongside them for years. Grievous consistently relied on his Izvoshra, who shared his triumphs and passion for battle, throughout his numerous destructive campaigns on the planet Huk.

Subsequently, he waged war against the Yam'rii with intense ferocity and unwavering determination. The Kaleesh forces invaded Huk, driving the Yam'rii from their world. However, the Yam'rii sought assistance from the Galactic Republic. The Republic and the Jedi aligned themselves with the Yam'rii against the invaders. The Kaleesh were denounced, subjected to embargoes and fines, leading to the starvation of hundreds of thousands. Following the intervention of the Republic and the Jedi in the conflict, Grievous harbored a personal grudge against them for their support of the Yam'rii.


Eventually, Grievous became an agent working for the InterGalactic Banking Clan. However, his request to retain his loyal Izvoshra bodyguards was denied, compelling him to command the IGBC droids. Grievous's need for an intelligent personal guard spurred the creation of the IG-100 MagnaGuard. After Grievous became one of IGBC's most valuable assets, Count Dooku and his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, became aware of his exploits and formulated significant plans for him. To secure Grievous's service, Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, and San Hill conspired to eliminate him, intending to transform him into a cyborg. Under Dooku's guidance, Grievous' shuttle was sabotaged.

The Kaleesh-Yam'rii war received mention in "Species From A to Z," a survival guide distributed by Carson Teva during the New Republic Era.


  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 8 (Helmets: General Grievous) (Initial mention)
  • Rise of the Separatists (Indirect reference only)
  • " The Separatists " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 55 (History of the Ship: Grievous' Wheel Bike)
  • " Database " — Star Wars - Das offizielle Magazin 115

Notes and references
