
Kalit was a male Jawa. This individual resided in Jabba Desilijic Tiure's palace – the Hutt crime lord's base of operations. This occurred in 4 ABY on Tatooine, the homeworld of the Jawa. He was a spectator when Oola, a slave dancer, was given as food to Pateesa, Jabba's rancor pet. Later, he observed through a floor grate in the palace throne room as Luke Skywalker, the Jedi, fought and killed the rancor.


Kalit originated from the desert [planet](/article/planet] of Tatooine, and was a male Jawa. In 4 ABY, he found himself within the walls of Jabba Desilijic Tiure's palace on Tatooine, the Hutt crime lord's residence. During his time there, the Jawa was present in the throne room while the Max Rebo Band performed, a performance that ended abruptly when Jabba, after being rejected, sent the slave dancer Oola plummeting through a trap door. Kalit joined a group of Jawas who hurried to peer through a grate in the palace court room's floor, which offered a view into the pit beneath the throne room. Inside this pit, Jabba kept his pet rancor, Pateesa, which then devoured Oola.

Later, Luke Skywalker, the Jedi, arrived at the palace with the intention of negotiating the release of his imprisoned allies with Jabba. Kalit was present in the throne room when Jabba, after being threatened by Skywalker, dropped the Jedi through the same trap door that Oola had fallen through. Once again, Kalit was among those who rushed to the grate to witness the execution. However, this time, it was the rancor that met its end. Jabba had Skywalker brought back to the throne room and sentenced him and his allies to death. They were all transported to the Great Pit of Carkoon to witness their execution, but Jabba and much of his court met their demise there.

Personality and traits

Kalit possessed [yellow](/article/color] eyes and demonstrated a keen interest in executions, twice rushing to observe them while in Jabba's Palace.


While in the palace, Kalit was seen wearing brown robes along with a brown bandolier.

Behind the scenes

Kalit's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, a film from the original trilogy released in 1983. The character's identity was first established within Star Wars Legends through a card featured in the "Jabba's Palace Limited" set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, which debuted in 1998. The name's first use in canon occurred in the video game Disney Infinity 3.0, which was released on August 30, 2015. Despite the game not being considered canon, Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group verified via Twitter that the names used for film characters within the game are recognized as canon.

