A cape was in the possession of Kho Phon Farrus, an archaeologist, during the time of the Imperial Era. This cape had its origins as a raiment that once belonged to the Sith Lady known as Shaa. The Lady Qi'ra, who was the leader of Crimson Dawn, a criminal organization, eventually obtained the raiment and kept it with her collection of artifacts. In the period between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, while Qi'ra was engaged in her efforts to destroy the Sith, the raiment was with "The Archivist," an associate of Qi'ra, as she and Farrus were trying to unlock the Fermata Cage. Following Farrus's choice to abandon the Archivist to spend time with Sana Starros, the Archivist presented the raiment to Farrus in an attempt to convince them to stay. Initially, the archaeologist regarded it as merely a piece of cloth, but after the Archivist explained its importance, Farrus accepted it and chose to remain with the Archivist. Farrus then repurposed it as a cape, and upon telling their friend Detta Yao about it, they described it as quite impressive, suggesting that Yao would appreciate it if she could see it.