
KT-310, identifiable by its red plating and cylindrical form, was a KT power droid residing on the desert planet of Jakku. Approximately thirty years following the Battle of Endor, it could be found at Unkar Plutt's junk dealer establishment in Niima Outpost on Jakku, not long before the First Order's attack on the nearby village of Tuanul. While the droid was positioned behind the booth where Plutt conducted business, the scavenger Rey presented several pieces of scrap, valued at one quarter portion of foodstuff. The droid then repositioned itself, moving away before the next customer, the pet trader Bobbajo, approached the booth. The following day, KT-310 remained in Niima and observed Rey use her quarterstaff to knock down Finn, a First Order deserter, inside one of the outpost's buildings. Shortly thereafter, Niima was attacked by the First Order.

Behind the scenes

KT-310 in Disney Infinity 3.0

KT-310's initial appearance was as a relatively insignificant background character within the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, though it remained without identification at that time. Its naming occurred later via the video game Disney Infinity 3.0, released concurrently with the film in 2015. Although the game is considered non-canon, Pablo Hidalgo, a member of the Lucasfilm story group, verified via Twitter that the names assigned by the game to previously unnamed characters, including KT-310, were to be regarded as canon. Within the game, KT-310 is awarded to players upon successful completion of the "Bolt of Inspiration" mission with a three-star rating.

