Kwilaan restaurant

The city of Kwilaan on the planet of Naboo featured an eatery of note: a restaurant. Before the Invasion of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY, the criminal figure Raymas Daal convened a meeting at this establishment with several individuals. These agents were hired by him to disrupt a sensor array. This meeting faced an interruption when officers from the Royal Naboo Security Forces tried to seize Daal. However, Daal managed to flee the restaurant, dodging the officers' blaster fire.


A restaurant existed within the city of Kwilaan located on the planet of Naboo. Its design incorporated a rectangular shape, and doors were present on each of the longer walls.


Leading up to the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation in 32 BBY, Raymas Daal, a minor criminal and clandestine operative for the Trade Federation, arranged a rendezvous with a group of hired hands at the restaurant. The agents arrived before Daal and chose a table positioned near the back exit. Just as they were contemplating leaving, Daal arrived and joined them. Daal stated that he suspected he was being followed and wanted to quickly conclude the meeting. He offered the group 8,000 credits to temporarily disable a sensor array situated outside of Kwilaan.

As the group wrapped up their questioning of Daal concerning the task, three undercover Security Officers from the Royal Naboo Security Forces entered the restaurant, intending to bring Daal in for questioning. They approached Daal's table, and the lead officer requested that Daal accompany him, which spurred Daal to bolt from his seat toward the rear exit. The officers responded by firing blasters at him, and one officer aimed his weapon at the agents. However, the agents successfully dealt with the officers and proceeded to execute the attack on the sensor array according to the original plan.

Behind the scenes

The Kwilaan restaurant is referenced within the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game scenario entitled "Signal Interruption," penned by Jesse Decker, visually enhanced by Adam Hughes, and released on the Wizards of the Coast website on August 9, 2001. "Signal Interruption" is intended to be played with the player characters assuming the roles of the agents hired by Raymas Daal. The scenario suggests using the playable characters from the Invasion of Theed Adventure Game: Dané, Galak, Rann I-Kanu, Arani Korden, Rorworr, Deel Surool, Toba, and Sia-Lan Wezz. The initial two encounters unfold within the restaurant, with the gamemaster employing door tokens from the Invasion of Theed Adventure Game to construct a section of the building's layout. In the first encounter, the player characters inquire about the attack on the sensor array and have the opportunity to negotiate their payment. In the second encounter, the players decide how to manage the Security Officers, with the scenario suggesting that characters aligned with the dark side would achieve the quickest resolution by immediately attacking upon the officers drawing their weapons. This article assumes the scenario unfolds as described.

