The Lothal Imperial Spaceport Authority held the responsibility for the Capital City spaceport located on the planet of Lothal during 5 BBY. When Gronson Takkaro, a Dug, made his escape to Lothal, then under the control of the Galactic Empire, Bossk, a Trandoshan, pursued the fugitive to collect the bounty that had been placed on him, requesting authorization from the Spaceport Authority to land on the planet and conduct his work as a bounty hunter.
The arrivals and departures at the Capital City spaceport on the planet Lothal were managed by the Lothal Imperial Spaceport Authority. This authority was subordinate to the local division of the Imperial Security Bureau, and it had command over TIE fighters stationed on the planet. The spaceport's control station was operated by an RQ protocol droid known for its strict adherence to procedures and its resistance to deception, such as a protocol droid's false claim of possessing a command override from Arihnda Pryce, the Lothal Governor.
In the year 5 BBY, Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, journeyed to the planet Lothal aboard his freighter, known as the Hound's Tooth, with the intention of capturing the criminal Gronson Takkaro. Having been declared a wanted man by the Galactic Empire, the Dug smuggled himself to Lothal, which was under Imperial control, using a drone barge nine days prior. As Bossk's ship emerged from hyperspace, it was immediately scanned by Imperial sensors. Shortly thereafter, the Lothal Imperial Spaceport Authority contacted Bossk via the comlink located in the Hound's Tooth's cockpit. The Authority identified the ship as a YV-666 light freighter and requested that the pilot provide their name and purpose for being there. Bossk responded without delay, informing the agent that he was a licensed bounty hunter who had come to Lothal to apprehend Gronson Takkaro, and he provided his Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate number. After verifying this information, the Spaceport Authority transferred Bossk to the local Imperial Security Bureau headquarters.
After a delay of thirty seconds, Lieutenant Herdringer, an officer from the Security Bureau, appeared to the bounty hunter in hologram form. Bossk discussed his target with the officer and received permission to operate on Lothal. Subsequently, Herdringer informed the Spaceport Authority that Bossk had been cleared to land and instructed them to dispatch a TIE fighter escort for the Hound's Tooth, which then proceeded to the planet's surface on autopilot. Upon landing at the Capital City spaceport, Bossk underwent inspection by a squad of stormtroopers commanded by Lieutenant Jenkes of the Security Bureau. Following this, the Trandoshan began his hunt for his target.
The Lothal Imperial Spaceport Authority makes an appearance in Ezra's Gamble, a 2014 novel written by Ryder Windham. It is also referenced as the "Lothal Port Authority" in Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head, a book for young readers authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published in the same year.