MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bomber

The MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bomber, alternatively known as the B/SF-17 heavy bomber, represented a specific type of heavy bomber designed and produced by Slayn & Korpil. It served the New Republic near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. Post-Galactic Concordance, with the New Republic's military downsizing, these vessels transitioned to primarily civilian roles. During the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order circa 34 ABY, some were employed by the Resistance in their war, leading to the moniker Resistance Bomber.


Two Resistance bombers

The MG-100 StarFortress SF-17, a heavy bomber, was a product of Slayn & Korpil. This spacecraft incorporated half a dozen sublight ion thrusters, a solitary hyperdrive system, and artificial gravity projectors. A targeting sensor mast, housing a targeting sensor alongside an active-tracking array, prominently extended from the lower front section. Two short-range communication antennas were situated along the ship's upper surface, aligned with its keel line. Two stabilizer foils projected horizontally from the ship's sides. The vessel required a crew of five. An armored cockpit accommodated a pilot and flight engineer. A bombardier managed a targeting pedestal on the flight deck, while two gunners controlled the rear and ventral ball turrets.

The B/SF-17 was designed to deliver 1,048 proton bombs onto designated targets. The modular bombing magazine, referred to as the "clip" by the crew, utilized sequenced electromagnetic plates to release the bombs in microgravity. These plates propelled the bombs, and magnetic forces guided them toward their targets. The system allowed for selective release of payload sections, though "deploy all" was the most frequent setting. The bombardier used a concentrated sensor feed to determine the optimal release point. Upon a prompt, or at their discretion, a wireless remote's control button initiated the payload's release. A magnetic seal maintained the atmosphere when the bomb bay doors were open.

Aft view of an MG-100 StarFortress

The ball turrets of the StarFortress were protected by an armored transparisteel shell, with deflector shields offering additional security for the gunner. Despite these measures, many gunners felt vulnerable to enemy attacks. Other armaments included a remotely operated dorsal turret with similar firepower to the EM-1919 paired repeating laser cannons found on the ball turrets, a pair of remote-linked cannon arrays at the rear, two forward laser cannons, and two additional laser cannons positioned at the tips of the stabilizer foils.

Being a bomber, the MG-100 Starfortress was slow and cumbersome, making it a prime target for starfighter assaults. Resistance flight training emphasized tight formation flying, enabling overlapping defensive fire. The rear and ventral turrets provided substantial defense against attacks from below or behind, but were less effective against threats from above or in front. Starfighter pilots found escort duty challenging, as they had to sacrifice speed to remain close to the bombers. Enemy fighters often attempted to draw escorts away, leaving the bombers undefended.

Poe Dameron remarked in The Rebel Files that the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter was the superior bomber, at least until the Resistance acquired the B/SF-17.


The New Republic commissioned Slayn & Korpil to develop the MG-100 StarFortress, a specialized heavy bomber capable of delivering larger payloads than starfighters, during the latter stages of the Galactic Civil War. Its primary role was to assist in capturing besieged Imperial strongholds. Production decreased during the ensuing peaceful decades, and the Senate's demilitarization efforts led to many StarFortresses being scrapped. Some decommissioned vessels found civilian applications. Mining companies, such as Central Ridge, employed them to deploy explosives for breaking up ice and rock. Local governments used them as rescue ships, fuel tankers, and firefighting vehicles, while scout services used them for celestial mapping and exploration. The modular bomb magazine was readily adapted for remote cargo delivery. Around 26 ABY, the First Order seized several mining-modified ships, known as OreDiggers, when they conquered Hays Minor. The First Order equipped these craft with powerful lasers to mine directly through Hays Minor's crust, ultimately destroying the planet.

Several heavy bombers were used during the evacuation of D'Qar

Following the establishment of the Resistance in 28 ABY, some StarFortresses were integrated into the new paramilitary organization, becoming part of its Cobalt and Crimson Squadrons during the Cold War and First Order-Resistance War. During the evacuation of D'Qar, the Resistance deployed multiple craft to drop proton bombs on the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix. All of the Resistance's bombers were destroyed in the battle, with only one reaching its target. Paige Tico, piloting the sole surviving bomber, successfully completed her bombing run just before her ship was destroyed, destroying the Fulminatrix moments before it could destroy the Resistance flagship, Raddus.

In 35 ABY, StarFortresses were included in a fleet organized by Lando Calrissian to support the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces over the planet Exegol.

Behind the scenes

The MG-100 StarFortress made its debut in the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.

According to The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the StarFortress was originally going to be called the "T-wing." A "T" shape is still visible from certain perspectives, especially from the front.

