Mission to Kynachi

title: Kynachi Mission

This endeavor was launched towards Kynachi by a Republic team to look into a hint regarding where the Separatist battleship Malevolence, recently destroyed, came from. After a team under the command of Captain Lock was dispatched to the moon where the Malevolence had crashed, Breaker discovered an unfamiliar circuit board. Following its delivery to Coruscant, it became clear that KynachTech Industries had designed it. Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase took the lead of the team, which included eight other clones, along with two clone pilots, on a journey to Kynachi aboard a freighter. Unknown to the squad or the Jedi Master, Ambase's padawan, Nuru Kungurama, had secretly boarded the freighter, fearing his master would not return if he did not provide assistance. As the ship entered Kynachi's orbit, the Trade Federation blockade immediately engaged them.

The clones made their way towards the escape pods, but Knuckles encountered Nuru on his way out and brought him along. As the pair entered a pod with Chatterbox, Breaker was compelled to manually release a second pod containing Ambase, Sharp, and four other troopers, due to sabotage of the pod's controls. Heavily injured, Captain Lock located Breaker and gave his life by manually launching the pod himself, enabling Breaker to escape with the remaining men, despite Breaker's objections. Subsequently, the freighter exploded, taking Captain Lock and the two pilots with it. Upon reaching the planet's surface, the two pods crashed in separate locations. Nuru's pod came under attack by a vulture droids team, which withdrew upon realizing the wet conditions made landing too risky. The clones grew suspicious of Nuru, suspecting he might have sabotaged the pods, but Breaker tested Nuru and confirmed he was indeed Ambase's padawan. Meanwhile, Sharp, Trueblood, Close-Shave, Dyre, and No-Nines regained consciousness after being knocked out by the pod's impact. Ambase remained unconscious. The clones placed Ambase on a makeshift stretcher and attempted to ascend the walls of the ravine where the escape pod was concealed. During this, arthropods resembling ovoid stones began to assault the clones and the unconscious Jedi. No-Nines was the first to reach the top of the cliff, offering covering fire for the clones as they climbed. Eventually, No-Nines deployed a grenade, eliminating most of the creatures but also attracting the attention of nearby vulture droids. The troops did all they could to protect their general, but were exposed when the vultures opened fire.

In the meantime, Breaker, Nuru, Knuckles, and Chatterbox concealed themselves with fertilizer bags and infiltrated the city that housed the KynachTech Facility. They encountered pilot Lalo Gunn and boarded her ship, the Hasty Harpy, which she had transformed into a Diner. Gunn revealed that the Trade Federation had secretly occupied the world a decade prior and that she had been stranded on Kynachi for three years. She noted that nobody on Kynachi had any knowledge of the war, as holonet news was blocked. Suddenly, a commando droids squad attacked the ship, destroying Lalo's navigation droid, Teejay. After Nuru and the clones defeated the commandoes in a fierce fight, Knuckles and Chatterbox captured Cad Bane, who claimed the commandoes were after him. He also stated that he had been hired by a client who had provided him with codes to bypass the blockade in order to break someone out of prison, and that he had witnessed an unconscious Ambase and four clones being escorted to the prison. Nuru then devised a plan for Breaker to insert Teejay's brain into one of the commando droid's bodies. After completing this, Breaker tested the droid. Knuckles renamed Teejay Cleaver, due to his manner of wielding his shock-stick. Nuru, Lalo, Cad Bane, Chatterbox, and Knuckles then pretended to be Cleaver's prisoners and were ushered in through the delivery entrance. They were then trapped by Skakoan Overseer Umbrag, who had anticipated the arrival of the Jedi and Clones. He surrounded them with droids and ordered their weapons to be confiscated. It was at this point that Nuru realized Breaker was missing.

He then leapt onto the platform where Umbrag was positioned and activated his lightsaber. Using the threat of his lightsaber, he instructed Umbrag to order his droids to stand down and began questioning him about how he knew of their arrival. He was interrupted by an explosion. The entrance collapsed, and the room erupted into a firefight. Amidst the chaos, Umbrag fled to his office, and Cad Bane managed to escape. Once the fight concluded, Cleaver revealed that Breaker was "Blowing things up". Nuru then directed the team to locate the prison. Meanwhile, Breaker had detonated two gas tanks at the delivery entrance using his grenades. He then took cover behind a white plastoid gravsled and used a multitool to disable the Trade Federation's frequency jammer, which had prevented him from calling for assistance. Following this, Breaker used his comlink to indirectly request help from the Jedi temple. Around this time, Umbrag received instructions from Count Dooku to destroy the factory and withdraw his fleet, as Dooku could not dispatch reinforcements in time to halt the approaching Republic assault ships. Umbrag reluctantly agreed, saddened to abandon the factory he had managed for a decade. Nuru, Lalo, Cleaver, Chatterbox, and Knuckles managed to reach the detention level and liberate all the prisoners before Umbrag activated the self-destruct sequence from his Metalorn Yacht. Breaker contacted them and assured them he had requested reinforcements. Nuru evacuated all the prisoners, including Trueblood, No-Nines, Close-Shave, and Sharp. It was discovered that Dyre had been killed by the Vultures and that Master Ambase had been taken elsewhere.

Nuru realized that his master was not within the complex and departed with everyone else as the factory was consumed by flames. The remaining droids had deactivated since the control ship had departed. Knuckles and Cleaver managed to extract Breaker from a flaming pile of rubble that had collapsed on him. Bane then reappeared, claiming his target was not in the cell block. However, he mentioned finding Ambase's lightsaber and presented it to Nuru, gaining his trust. He then stated that he found no other trace of Nuru's master and expressed his hope that Nuru would find him. Nuru then assisted in bringing Breaker back to the Hasty Harpy for medical care. Meanwhile, Bane was flying past the Republic fleet with an unconscious Master Ambase in his ship in the plastoid gravsled. He then contacted Darth Sidious, who inquired if he had Ambase. Bane confirmed, and the Sith instructed him to deliver Ambase to the Fifth moon of Bogden. On Kynachi, Yoda debriefed Nuru via hologram in the Hasty Harpy. Palpatine then joined the discussion, thanking Nuru and Breakout Squad. He assigned the squad a new mission to convene at a Chiss space station for a diplomatic assignment. Sharp then rejoined the squad, and he, Cleaver, Chatterbox, Knuckles, Breaker, Lalo Gunn, and Nuru Kungurama all journeyed into the Unknown Regions headed for Csilla for their mission.

