Moebin Faltus

Moebin Faltus, a male Togruta, operated as a smuggler within the black market, where he earned a substantial income by illicitly transporting individuals evading the First Order's oppressive regime. Sometime between the years of 34 ABY and 35 ABY, the military organization known as the Resistance engaged Faltus, promising him secure passage to Prahvin in return for valuable contacts. Faltus journeyed to Prahvin aboard the famed Millennium Falcon, accompanied by Rey, Finn, BB-8, and Chewbacca.


Repair stop

Moebin Faltus, a male of the Togruta species, made his living by smuggling people away from the First Order's reach, charging high fees within the black market. In the period spanning 34 ABY to 35 ABY, the Resistance offered Faltus a guaranteed safe trip to Prahvin if he provided them with useful contacts. Faltus traveled on the Millennium Falcon with Rey, Finn, BB-8, and Chewbacca.

During their flight on the Falcon, the freighter started having issues, which Rey determined was due to a problem with the engine coupling's alignment. Faltus expressed his dislike for the Falcon, considering it old and unattractive, but Finn and Rey repeatedly scolded him for these remarks.

Recognizing that the problem was more significant than initially thought, Rey decided to make an unscheduled repair stop on the planet Choss, which greatly irritated Faltus. After they landed, Finn and Chewie remained on the starship, while Faltus, Rey, and BB-8 went into a city to find a replacement static charge dissipator.

Capture in the city

As they walked through the city, Faltus inquired at numerous shops about the part the Falcon needed, but he was turned down each time. Faltus got into an argument with a Talz merchant, leading him to angrily walk away. Rey instructed Faltus to wait, as she sensed that something was amiss. Rey realized they were being watched and went to identify the observer, with Faltus following. Rey was intercepted by Kief Varris, a bounty hunter who had been hired by the First Order to capture Faltus.

A pursuit began throughout the city, with Rey and Faltus trying to escape Varris through the market. The chase continued onto the rooftops, but Varris began to close the distance. Varris then used a grappling hook to cross the street and cut off Rey, Faltus, and BB-8. Using his grappling hooks, Varris threw Rey aside and then restrained Faltus, taking him prisoner.


Rey then got back on her feet and confronted Varris. Rey attempted to mislead Varris by making up stories about Faltus escaping many famous bounty hunters, while BB-8 worked to free Faltus. Faltus then stood up and tackled Varris to the ground, but Varris regained control and grabbed his face. Rey then came up with a new plan and allowed Varris to recapture Faltus. Varris marched Faltus through the city and toward his starship, with Rey and BB-8 following closely behind. The two barely managed to get on the ship as it took off.

Rey found Faltus tied up and started to untie him. Faltus asked Rey to stun Varris with her blaster because Varris had taken his blaster. But at that moment, Varris confronted Rey and considered taking them to the Hutts. Just then BB-8 pulled out the static charge dissipator, causing the ship to crash into the forest below. Faltus managed to escape the ship before it crashed.

The trio eventually reunited with the Falcon, but without the dissipator, the ship couldn't reach Prahvin. However, BB-8 had taken the part from Varris' ship, enabling the Falcon to complete its repairs and continue the journey to Prahvin.

Personality and traits

Faltus had orange skin with white markings, along with purple montrals and lekku. Faltus was easily irritated, as demonstrated when he found out about the necessary repair stop.


The smuggler wore a red suit with white on the sides and yellow on the collar, all hand-stitched. Faltus also wore white gloves and black boots.

Behind the scenes

Faltus was a character in the comic story "Repair Stop," which appeared in the thirteenth issue of the 2020 Star Wars Adventures comic series. The story was penned by George Mann, with illustrations by Butch Mapa and Charlie Kirchoff, and was published by IDW Publishing on December 29, 2021.

