
Myra, a human female Jedi youngling, was stationed on the forest planet of Tenoo during the High Republic Era. She had a deep love for creatures of all kinds.

Following Aree's introduction of a couple of dunnels to the Tenoo Jedi Temple's stables, Myra and her fellow Jedi initiate, Lys Solay, mounted them for an exploration of Tenoo's forests. Myra struggled to maintain control of her mount, confessing that Lys possessed more experience with the creatures. Upon their return to the Temple, they encountered Kai Brightstar and Nubs. Shortly thereafter, they received a communication via holoprojector from Aree and CAM, who tasked them with locating a rare creature known as a leepur in their vicinity and capturing a holopic for the Galactic Creature Guide. Eager to contribute to the Creature Guide, they promptly set out again with holocams to find the leepur, only to find themselves trapped in a steep tunnel during a thunderstorm, and without any cameras. They eventually located the creature, and after Myra realized the importance of tempering her enthusiasm to avoid startling the animal, they were eventually able to pet it after rescuing it from a rockslide. They were unable to take a picture, and had to return to the Temple without succeeding in their objective. However, the leepur had followed them back, and ultimately, they sent a selfie featuring themselves and the creature to Aree and the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. Aree expressed his willingness to enlist their help in another search for the Federian erbling, and Myra responded with enthusiastic readiness.

Behind the Scenes

Myra's character was created for the second season of the animated television series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, which airs on Disney Junior and Disney+. Celestina Harris provides the voice for Myra.

