Needlegawps represented a type of scalefin fish distinguished by their black-eyed appearance, and they were classified as a species. This species encompassed multiple variations, notably the sleek needlegawp, characterized by its silver coloring, and the speckled needlegawp, recognized by its green spots and yellow skin. These fish inhabited the oceans surrounding the planets Corellia and Ahch-To. Specifically, on Corellia, needlegawps were harvested and traded within the fish markets located in Coronet City. Circa 34 ABY, the Lanai Caretakers displayed both a sleek and a speckled needlegawp, suspended on a rack for drying, within the Jedi village situated on Ahch-To; this was the same village where the Jedi Rey discharged a blaster, sending a shot through the wall of the hut she occupied.
The initial on-screen depiction of Needlegawps occurred in the 2017 cinematic release, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Subsequently, they were featured in the 2018 motion picture Solo: A Star Wars Story. The formal designation of the species was first introduced in the companion reference manual, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.