Neimoidian battle droids were a kind of battle droids used by the Neimoidian species. The most basic of these droids were constructed with a skeletal frame. These basic models possessed the ability to fold into a compact form and be deployed rapidly into battle. Therefore, the B1-series battle droid, along with its OOM-series variant, was regarded as one of the most rudimentary Neimoidian battle droids. The Geonosians engineered the B1, modeling its design after their own skeletal appearance, aiming for the final product to look like a Geonosian skeleton. The intention was that the skeletal resemblance would instill fear in enemies witnessing the B1s advancing towards them.
The initial iterations of the B1 model necessitated a link to a Central Control Computer to operate, a concept influenced by the Neimoidians' own hierarchical social system and implemented as a cost-saving measure.