Nyama served as the Stromma council's liaison to Grand Admiral Thrawn's Empire of the Hand; he was a notably aggressive male of the Stromma species. In the year 8 ABY, aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer called Admonitor, which was positioned above the Unknown Regions planet of Quethold, he encountered a number of Imperial officers. This was the location where the alien warlord named Nuso Esva was in hiding.
Nyama, along with his conciliator, had discussions concerning the Quesoth Soldiers who were situated within Quethold's Red City, in addition to the Quesoth Soldier Speak language. Senior Captain Voss Parck also spoke of the battle that occurred on Oristrom, the homeworld of the Stromma, a battle the Stromma were winning until Esva took command. Subsequent to Thrawn unveiling a perilous battle plan to assault the Quesoth, Nyama made the decision to pull the Stromma forces out of the Empire of the Hand. During the ensuing battle, Esva informed Trevik, a Quesoth bowlcarrier, about the Grand Admiral's talent for deducing someone's strategy through the study of their art, a fact the Stromma Council Liaison later verified while on the Admonitor.

During 8 ABY, Nyama, a Stromma male, functioned as the Stromma council liaison to the Empire of the Hand. After he and his Stromma warriors arrived at the Admonitor, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, aboard a number of carriers and Nyama's shuttle, the liaison and his conciliator participated in a strategy session, meeting a number of Imperial officers. Imperial Senior Captain Voss Parck and Grand Admiral Thrawn engaged in a discussion with Nyama, who shared insights on the Stromma wars against the Quesoth, regarding alien warlord Nuso Esva's remaining forces and the Empire's planned attack on the Red City of the Unknown Regions planet Quethold, inhabited by the Quesoth species. Subsequently, Thrawn requested a recording of Esva's artwork located within the city, and Nyama provided a holocam to some traitorous Quesoth to capture the art.
After the recordings were acquired, having been recorded by Trevik, a bowlcarrier carrying a bowl of nectar for the Quesoth Queen of the Red, the liaison translated specific phrases spoken in the Quesoth Soldier Speak language. Thrawn then declared that victory would be achieved by sending Human Imperial stormtroopers into battle against Quesoth Soldiers, a statement that led Nyama to withdraw all Stromma from service to the Empire, believing the Humans to be incapable of defeating the Soldiers. Despite attempts by his conciliator to dissuade him, his forces did leave the Admonitor. During the confrontation between Esva's forces and the Empire of the Hand, the warlord, together with the Quesoth Queen, informed Trevik that Nyama had verified Thrawn's ability to discern an enemy's strategy by studying their art. The alien also told the bowlcarrier that the artwork recorded under Nyama's directive was intended to deceive Thrawn, who would base his strategies on the paintings, enabling Esva to defeat him; however, the Grand Admiral had anticipated such a scheme and adjusted his strategy mid-battle, ultimately defeating the warlord.
During the strategy session, Nyama and Balkin engaged in a discussion concerning the Midli and Circling Quesoth castes, with Nyama asserting that they were loyal to their Queen and possessed independent thought. When Balkin questioned their loyalty, the impatient Stromma responded with an insult, which was then intercepted by his conciliator. Nyama, an arrogant and aggressive Stromma, was prone to anger and was an ally of the Queen of the Red.
Nyama made an appearance in the 2011 novella titled Crisis of Faith, authored by Timothy Zahn and included within the 20th Anniversary Edition of Zahn's 1991 novel, Heir to the Empire.