Obi-Wan Kenobi's Senate hearing

In 44 BBY, the Galactic Senate convened a formal hearing to investigate the part played by Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi in the death of Bruck Chun during an incident that occurred at the Jedi Temple. This panel was formed due to Vox Chun's request, as he sought a more official determination of Kenobi's culpability, being unsatisfied with the report presented by the Jedi High Council. To prosecute the case, Chun enlisted Senator Sano Sauro, while Kenobi depended on testimonies from his master and friend which ultimately affirmed his innocence.


Back in 44 BBY, the Dark Jedi known as Xanatos infiltrated the Jedi Temple and turned the initiate Bruck Chun to the dark side, intending for him to become his apprentice. At his new master's behest, Chun committed several robberies and also kidnapped fellow initiate Bant Eerin, threatening her life. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the former Padawan (who decided to rejoin the Jedi Order), confronted Chun in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, but was unable to prevent Chun from falling to his death during their duel. Though Xanatos later perished during a confrontation on Telos, the encounter with Chun left Kenobi burdened with guilt. After the incident, Chun's father and brother visited the Jedi Temple to hear the Jedi High Council's report on Bruck's death; Kenobi was present, but the report only amplified his feelings of guilt. The Council informed Kenobi that the Chuns had decided to demand a formal investigation into the circumstances of Bruck's death. Kenobi's master, Qui-Gon Jinn, aware of the emotional toll this would take on Kenobi, reassured him that the truth would ultimately prove his innocence.

The trial

The inquiry led to a formal hearing before a group of senators, including Sano Sauro, a close associate of the Chuns who agreed to assist in prosecuting their case. Jinn was the first to testify, recounting Xanatos's audacious assault on the Temple and his manipulation of Bruck towards the dark side. Eerin then spoke about her near-fatal experience at Bruck's hands. Throughout the hearing, Senator Vi Callen showed sympathy towards the Jedi, consistently challenging Sauro's aggressive questioning, while Pi T'Egal expressed frustration that some of Sauro's inquiries seemed irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Kenobi was compelled to give his account of the incident without his master's support. Eerin was present, but Jinn was on Centax-2 with Jedi Master Tahl, investigating sabotage of the station and its starfighter program led by an old friend. Sauro subjected Kenobi to a swift cross-examination, but Jinn arrived with new evidence to present to the panel. Jinn explained that he had recalled something about Xanatos, suggesting the likelihood that he had monitored Chun's conversations using a listening device concealed on him. He deduced that the device was hidden within Chun's lightsaber and presented it to the senators. The senators listened to the recordings, which detailed Chun's final moments and implicated him in the events at the Temple, including the attempted murder of Eerin. Despite Sauro's objections (who consulted with the Chuns during the senators' deliberation), the senators declared Kenobi innocent and ruled that the matter would not be pursued further.

Sauro then spoke with the elder Chun, who vehemently denounced the Jedi following what he perceived as a biased ruling.


Following the trial, Kad Chun attempted to assault Kenobi, striking him in the jaw before Kenobi twisted his wrist, preventing further attacks during the ensuing scuffle. After the trial, Chun became a vocal critic of Kenobi, branding him a murderer.

In the decade that followed, Chun led the Telosian people aboard the BioCruiser alongside his aging father. In 29 BBY, Kenobi, now a Jedi Knight, and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to the BioCruiser, where they uncovered sabotage and encountered a less-than-welcoming Chun. Kenobi discovered that the Offworld Mining Corporation was responsible for the sabotage, and further investigation implicated Vox Chun and Tarrence Chenati (the same individual who had sabotaged Centax-2 during Kenobi's trial). Kenobi saved Chun's life while Vox perished; Kenobi and Chun then worked together to rescue the people aboard before guiding the damaged vessel to Tentrix for repairs. It was there that Chun and Kenobi reconciled, with Chun apologizing, thus ending a decade-long animosity and bringing a sense of peace to both men.

