Ornfra system

The Ornfra system represented a star system situated within the Chiss Ascendancy's northeast-zenith sector, found in the Unknown Regions. This system encompassed the planet known as Ornfra. Approximately around 18 BBY, amid the events of the Chiss Ascendancy crisis, the system became the site of two distinct conflicts. The first involved a short confrontation between the vessels Grayshrike and Orisson. The second incident was a sneak attack directed at the Orisson as it entered the system, an attempt to demonstrate that the Dasklo families were producing counterfeit warships.


This system held a position in the northeast-zenith region of the Chiss Ascendancy. It contained both the star system and the planet Ornfra. Ornfra was an important economic and political hub of the Chiss Ascendancy's northeast sector. Consequently, all of the Nine Ruling Families, the current ruling Chiss families, and 17 of the Forty Great Families, other powerful families who had aspirations to join the Nine, maintained fortified positions on the planet.


Skirmish between the Grayshrike and the Orrisson

In the vicinity of 18 BBY, during the Chiss Ascendancy crisis, a skirmish unfolded within the system. The conflict involved the Dasklo family, striving to safeguard the planet Ornfra; the Grysk Hegemony, endeavoring to incite a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy; the Clarr family warship Orisson, aiming to eliminate an Asteroid missile platform disguised as a Mitth family spy platform; and the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet warship Grayshrike, stationed at Ornfra to prevent hostilities between the Clarr and the Dasklo. The skirmish concluded with the Defense Fleet successfully convincing the Clarr that the asteroid missile platform was indeed a missile platform, utilized by the Grysk Hegemony to instigate a civil war. They destroyed the Grysk freighter, which set of the missile, but fortunately for the Chiss, none of the Chiss ships where in range.

Sneak attack by a Grysk ship

Shortly thereafter, Patriarch Clarr'ivl'exow dispatched Captain Clarr'os'culry and the Orrisson back to the Ornfra system with the objective of substantiating the claim that the Dasklo were fabricating counterfeit Starships. Upon their arrival in the system, they were immediately waylaid by a Grysk warship, which had received prior notification of their arrival from "Jixtus." Following a brief engagement, the Orrisson managed to escape into Hyperspace.

Behind the scenes

Ornfra made its initial appearance in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, which served as the concluding volume of the Ascendancy Trilogy authored by Timothy Zahn.

