Parella Jiramma Baco, also called Parella the Hunter, functioned as a Hutt crime lord and held membership within the Jiramma kajidic. This individual, presenting a masculine identity, resided on the moon Nar Shaddaa during the New Republic period. Seen as an anomaly amongst Hutts, Parella possessed athleticism and a deep-seated love for the act of hunting, leading to numerous expeditions targeting large game. At one juncture, he embarked on a journey to the planet Lowick with the specific goal of hunting down a lone member of the Gorach species, a storied race of warriors who were fabled to have conquered several worlds many years in the past. After successfully locating the Gorach with assistance from droid units and his Pa'lowick guide, Kashina Furt, Parella gave chase and ultimately triumphed over the being.
Subsequently, Parella made an appearance at a gathering on Nar Shaddaa, hosted within the penthouse belonging to his rival and occasional business associate, Popara Anjiliac. However, the event took a dark turn when Popara was murdered, prompting Zonnos, the heir of the Anjiliac family, to accuse Mander Zuma, a Jedi archivist, along with Eddey Be'ray and Reen Irana, two spacers, of the crime. Eager to ingratiate himself with Zonnos, Parella began a hunt for the supposed assassins, confronting them on a bridge located on Nar Shaddaa. There, the Hutt engaged Zuma in combat, initially gaining the upper hand. However, Zuma managed to recover and severed one of the bridge's support cables, causing the structure to fail and sending Parella plummeting into the depths below.
During the era of the New Republic, Parella Jiramma Baco was a Hutt crime lord, presenting a masculine persona, and affiliated with the Jiramma kajidic. He possessed a tower on the Hutt-dominated moon Nar Shaddaa, from which he managed a modest enterprise, primarily aimed at solidifying his own authority. Additionally, he employed four Klatooinian mercenaries as his bodyguards. Parella maintained a long-standing rivalry with Popara Anjiliac Diresto, the head of the opposing Anjiliac kajidic, while also engaging in occasional business ventures with him.
Parella, an avid hunter, frequently participated in grand hunting expeditions. At one point, the Hutt ventured to the planet Lowick in pursuit of a surviving member belonging to the fabled Gorach species. The Gorach were reputed to be fierce warriors who had subjugated numerous worlds millennia ago, and Parella suspected that reported sightings of a "swamp ape" on Lowick were, in fact, a Gorach. His intention was to kill the Gorach, then preserve its remains and display them in his residence as a form of art. Upon arriving on Lowick, Parella landed his starship within the planet's swamps and documented his mission objectives using a holorecorder. He then donned a suit of Ruusan copper battle armor. After disembarking from the ship, he was greeted by Kashina Furt, a Pa'lowick from a nearby settlement who had been assigned to serve as Parella's official guide. Parella explained the legend of the Gorach to Furt and then initiated the hunt.

Parella deployed several droid drones to launch incendiary darts into the surrounding swamps, believing that this tactic would force the Gorach out into the open. He observed the various creatures fleeing from the flames, and as he anticipated, he spotted the Gorach among them. However, the Gorach realized it was being hunted and swiftly moved to Parella's right, along the edge of the fire. Parella and Furt began their pursuit, and as they tracked the Gorach, the creature ambushed them, briefly engaging Parella in combat before fleeing once more. During the encounter, the Gorach thrust a spear into Parella's armor, causing it to crack.
After continuing across a series of hills, Parella and Furt located the Gorach's lair, situated next to a cliff. There, Parella tossed his Pa'lowick guide inside to determine if there were any traps within the cavern. Before he could ascertain Furt's fate, the Hutt was once again attacked by the Gorach, who drove Parella off a cliff and into a mud pool below. After removing his helmet to distract the Gorach, Parella stabbed the creature with the vibrobayonet attached to his blaster and killed it. After pulling himself out of the pool, Parella prepared the Gorach's body, dragged it back to his ship, and placed the corpse into a stasis chamber. As Parella was about to record the outcome of the hunt with his holorecorder, he was interrupted by the arrival of Furt, who had discovered within the Gorach's cave that the creature had been a skilled artist, rather than a warrior. Parella returned to his ship, and after reflecting on the artist and its fate, he chose not to detail the outcome of the quest with the holorecorder.

In the year 19 ABY, the Jedi archivist Mander Zuma, along with Reen Irana and [Eddey Be'ray](/article/eddey_be%27ray], two spacers, rescued Popara's youngest offspring Mika from the quarantined world of Endregaad. To celebrate this, a banquet was hosted in Popara's penthouse on Nar Shaddaa. Parella received an invitation to the party, and during the event, he sought to establish a lasting alliance between himself and Mika, for the mutual benefit of their respective clans. During the meal, Parella shared a table with Be'ray and some Rodians, expressing his desire to test Mander Zuma's Jedi lightsaber, as he had never handled such a weapon before.
Mika was secretly plotting to overthrow Popara, and during the meal, the elder Hutt was served food laced with the toxins Lithium Magna and Lucogen, leading to Popara's explosive demise. Popara's eldest son and heir, Zonnos, placed the blame for his father's death on Zuma and the two spacers. Parella, seeking to gain favor with the new Anjiliac leader, pledged his assistance in hunting down the supposed assassins.
Parella donned his Hutt battle armor and set out to track down Be'ray, Irana, and Zuma. After receiving information about their location from Min Gost, a Sullustan information broker, Parella cornered the trio near a bridge. Emerging onto the structure, the Hutt shouted at the group, urging them to flee so as not to make the hunt too easy. Zuma accepted the Hutt's challenge and attacked Parella, attempting to cut through the Hutt's stun baton. However, the Jedi was unable to do so because the baton was made from Mandalorian iron, a lightsaber-resistant material. Zuma then jumped onto Parella and attempted to stab the Hutt in the eye, but was electrocuted by the defensive systems incorporated into Parella's armor. When Zuma charged at Parella again, the Hutt attempted to parry Zuma's lightsaber with his baton, but the Jedi evaded Parella's strike and severed one of the bridge's support cables. As the other support cables began to snap, Parella attempted to grab onto Zuma, but failed, and the bridge collapsed, sending Parella tumbling into a canyon situated between the surrounding buildings.
Parella possessed a venomous and irritable nature, regarded by those around him as unpleasant and disagreeable. Considered an anomaly among Hutts, Parella was athletic and passionate about hunting, being as excessively dedicated to hunting as most other Hutts were excessively lazy. He derived pleasure from stalking and killing his prey, preferring to hunt whirlbats on Nal Hutta, the adopted Hutt homeworld, rather than attending social gatherings. Parella believed that easy kills were beneath his hunting efforts; the longer his quarry evaded him, the more determined he became, and he sometimes developed a genuine fondness for his prey. He enjoyed recounting tales of his hunting expeditions to other Hutts, and while most Hutts found Parella's direct approach to combat distasteful, they acknowledged the effectiveness of his methods, as Parella's rivals often met their demise at his hands. When on hunting expeditions, Parella preferred to be known by the moniker "Parella the Hunter."
While traveling, Parella preferred to journey alone, relying on his own combat skills to protect himself. He had few reservations about firing blasters into crowds or causing damage to buildings, and he believed in the superiority of Hutts over other sentient species. He also showed little concern for the safety of those who served him, willingly risking the life of his Pa'lowick guide, Kashina Furt, during his expedition to hunt the Gorach. Despite his business rivalry with Popara, Parella held affection and respect for the Anjiliac patriarch, due to Popara's honest nature. However, he also perceived Popara as old and weak, believing that the elder Hutt should seek out the creators of the drug Tempest—a potent variety of spice that had gained popularity throughout Hutt Space—and negotiate a deal with them. Parella had brown-colored skin and orange eyes.

Parella had a fascination with weaponry and possessed access to considerable technology. He was skilled in the use of both blasters and melee weapons, carrying a variety of weapons aboard his starship, including pistols, carbines, and blaster rifles. When hunting, he typically carried a force pike, and while pursuing Be'ray, Irana, and Zuma, he wielded a stun baton made from Mandalorian iron. In addition, he frequently used tracking droids to assist in locating his prey.
During his quest to hunt the Gorach, Parella wore a set of protective armor constructed from Ruusan copper, including a heavy helmet equipped with a heads-up display system. However, he found the armor inadequate for his purposes during the expedition, as the Gorach managed to penetrate the helmet with a spear. He later acquired a suit of ancient Hutt battle armor, a relic from past generations, claiming it was the last such set of armor in existence. The armor significantly enhanced Parella's combat capabilities, consisting of a woven undersuit and a series of ornate, overlapping durasteel plates connected to the undersuit for protection. Attached to the plates were several microrepulsors, which, along with small wheels fitted to the edge of the suit, allowed Parella to move with speed. The plates could also change color to blend into the surrounding environment. The armor was equipped with built-in hold-out blasters and a specially-designed E-Web heavy repeating blaster mounted on the right shoulder. An on-board computer controlled the armor's various electrical systems, including a comlink, a datapad, a translation unit, and a vocabulator. The armor also possessed a defensive capability, electrocuting any opponents who touched it.
Parella was conceived by Jeff Grubb and Owen K.C. Stephens, making his debut in the Wizards of the Coast role-playing adventure Tempest Feud, released in 2002. He subsequently appeared in Scourge, a novelization of the events of Tempest Feud written by Grubb and published in 2012, as well as in the short story Hunting the Gorach, a prequel to the novel included in Star Wars Insider 133. Grubb considers Parella his favorite among the Hutt characters featured in Scourge, and has suggested that Parella would emerge victorious in a fight against Ziro the Hutt, a character introduced in the film Star Wars: The Clone Wars..
Tempest Feud lacked a specific setting, allowing the events of the adventure to occur during the Rise of the Empire era, the Rebellion era, the New Republic era, or the New Jedi Order era. However, Scourge established that the events of Tempest Feud took place in 19 ABY, thereby designating the New Republic era as the canonical setting for Parella's life. Furthermore, Tempest Feud presented various possible outcomes related to Parella, contingent upon the actions of the player characters, who assumed the roles represented by Be'ray, Irana, and Zuma in the novel. However, Scourge established the canonical sequence of events, rendering some of the potential role-playing outcomes from Tempest Feud as non-canon. In Tempest Feud, Parella could block the doorway to Popara's penthouse after the elder Hutt's death, and attack the player characters there. The player characters could also travel to Parella's tower, where he would greet them in his full battle armor and attack them alongside his Klatooinian bodyguards.
Later in Tempest Feud, Parella could attack the players outside the Dark Melody tapcafe on Nar Shaddaa, and engage them in combat a second time, possibly by hiring the Rodians of the Bomu Clan to track them down. A key plot point of Tempest Feud revolved around Mika's production of the spice Tempest. If the players killed Mika early in the adventure, it was suggested that Parella could seize control of Mika's Tempest manufacturing plant on the world Varl and assume Mika's role for the remainder of the adventure. Additionally, the adventure suggested that Parella could be involved in future role-playing adventures, seeking revenge against the player characters. In Tempest Feud, the player characters could kill Parella, and in Scourge, Parella was last seen plummeting into a deep chasm, leaving his survival uncertain.