Plas Lelkot functioned as the surgeon consul for the planet Hosnian Prime throughout the Galactic Empire's reign. Because he sheltered refugees from the Empire in his own chateau, he was taken into custody by Imperial forces and incarcerated at Ashmead's Lock, a prison located on the planet Kashyyyk. In that location, the prisoners were placed in stasis, and Lelkot, along with the others, was compelled to receive a behavioral modification biochip to transform them into a drone under the command of Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. During the year 5 ABY, the Liberation of Kashyyyk resulted in the release of Lelkot and all the other inmates of Ashmead's Lock, who were then transported to Chandrila, the capital of the New Republic. During the Liberation Day celebration, Chancellor Mon Mothma of the Republic included Lelkot's name in a list; however, during the celebration, Rax activated the control chips, compelling the former prisoners to attack their comrades.
The initial mention of Plas Lelkot occurred in the novel Aftermath: Life Debt, penned by Chuck Wendig and made available on July 12, 2016.