Qual, a Jedi Master of the Selkath species and male gender, held a position on the Jedi Council situated within the Jedi Enclave on the planet of Dantooine in the years after the Great Sith War. During the Great Hunt of 3993 BBY, Qual was an active member of the Enclave Council. This was a period when Jedi Knights journeyed across the galaxy, eliminating beasts created by the Sith that remained from the conflict. Once the Great Hunt concluded that year, Qual was present when the Enclave Council informed Jedi Knights Duron Qel-Droma, Shaela Nuur, and Guun Han Saresh of their assignment: to cleanse the Sith homeworld of Korriban of terentateks. Despite some Council members disagreeing with the mission, Qual considered it strategically sound and trusted in the wisdom of the Jedi High Council, which had selected the three Jedi. Tragically, Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh were never seen again.

By 3993 BBY, Qual, a male Selkath, held the rank of Jedi Master and served as a member of the Jedi Council within the Jedi Enclave located on the planet of Dantooine. He served alongside esteemed Jedi Masters such as Vrook Lamar, Aleco Stusea, and Bala Nisi in this capacity. The year 3993 BBY saw the official conclusion of the Great Hunt—following the Great Sith War that spanned the galaxy and ended in 3996 BBY, many Jedi Knights had searched planets like Tatooine, Tython, and Onderon for monstrous creations of the Sith that still threatened the Jedi Order and the general population. Two days after the supposed end of the Great Hunt, Qual and the Jedi Enclave Council summoned three Knights—Humans Duron Qel-Droma and Shaela Nuur, and Twi'lek Guun Han Saresh, considered to be the Order's most skilled hunters. These Knights were informed that the Jedi High Council on Coruscant had specifically chosen them for a mission to the Sith homeworld of Korriban, a world deeply influenced by the dark side, to cleanse it of the dangerous terentatek creatures.
After the hunters had left, Qual engaged in a discussion regarding the mission with his fellow Council members. While Nisi and Lamar disagreed with the decision to send only three Jedi to Korriban, a world so strongly influenced by the dark side, Qual felt that they needed to respect the wisdom of the Jedi High Council, believing that sending a large group of Jedi to Korriban posed too great a risk. Stusea supported Qual's views, while also admitting that she had her own reservations about the mission. However, Qual's optimism proved to be unfounded, as none of the three Jedi dispatched to Korriban ever made their way back.
Qual, a Selkath characterized by blue skin and blue eyes, demonstrated a strong faith in the wisdom of the Jedi High Council. Consequently, he viewed the mission to Korriban more favorably, believing that the High Council's decision represented the most strategically sound approach to addressing the issue. Moreover, Qual considered adherence to the directives of the Jedi High Council to be fundamental to the Jedi Order's principles.
Qual's initial appearance was in "Shadows and Light," a story featured in Star Wars Tales 23, authored by Joshua Ortega and published in 2005. Dustin Weaver provided the character's illustration in the comic.