Aleco Stusea

Aleco Stusea was a Jedi Master of Near-Human descent, and a female, who held a seat on the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council in the years following the conclusion of the Great Sith War. Serving alongside Vrook Lamar, Bala Nisi, and Qual, Stusea was one of the Masters overseeing the Jedi Enclave located on the planet of Dantooine. Following the official termination of the Jedi Order's Great Hunt, a mission to eliminate Sith-spawned beasts throughout the galaxy after the Great Sith War, Stusea, in 3993 BBY, communicated to Jedi Knights Duron Qel-Droma, Shaela Nuur, and Guun Han Saresh their assignment to eradicate terentateks from the Sith homeworld of Korriban. Despite objections from some members of the Jedi Enclave Council regarding the mission, Stusea expressed confidence in the capabilities of the three Jedi, as well as the judgment of the Jedi High Council that had chosen them. Tragically, Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh would never return from their assignment. Stusea remained on the Enclave Council until the time of the Jedi Civil War, during which she was believed to have been killed.


By 3993 BBY, Aleco Stusea, a female Near-Human, was a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council situated on the planet of Dantooine at the Jedi Enclave. In the years that followed the Great Sith War, the Jedi Order initiated the Great Hunt, an operation designed to eliminate the Sith-created monstrosities that continued to infest various worlds throughout the galaxy. Three years after the war's conclusion, in 3993 BBY, the Great Hunt was officially declared over. However, shortly thereafter, Stusea and the Jedi Enclave Council received word from the Jedi High Council on Coruscant that one final mission remained to be executed. In accordance with the High Council's wishes, Stusea and the Enclave Council summoned three Jedi KnightsHumans Duron Qel-Droma and Shaela Nuur, and Twi'lek Guun Han Saresh, who were collectively regarded as the most skilled hunters in the entire Order—and informed them of their selection to cleanse the Sith homeworld of Korriban, a planet deeply imbued with the dark side, of the dangerous and vicious terentatek beast. Stusea herself delivered this information to the three Jedi, who were subsequently dispatched on their mission.

Aleco Stusea sits on the Jedi Enclave Council.

Following the departure of Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh, Stusea engaged in discussions within the council chambers with her fellow Masters of the Enclave Council, including Humans Vrook Lamar and Bala Nisi, as well as the Selkath Qual. Despite the Jedi High Council's decree, Lamar and Nisi voiced their disagreement with the decision to send only three Jedi to Korriban. Acknowledging the inherent risks of sending Jedi to Korriban due to the world's potent dark side influence, Stusea nevertheless expressed her faith in the Jedi High Council's judgment, believing that the three hunters, working together, could withstand the dark side's allure. However, despite their reputations, Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh would all perish in their battles against terentateks—Qel-Droma and Nuur on Korriban, and Saresh on Kashyyyk, after a disagreement that led to the Twi'lek's departure from the group. Stusea continued to serve on the Jedi Enclave Council for many years thereafter, eventually leaving the esteemed body following the start of the Jedi Civil War in 3959 BBY. It is believed that Stusea met her end at some point during the war, which culminated in the Battle of Rakata Prime in 3956 BBY.

Personality and traits

As a leading figure on the Jedi Enclave Council, Aleco Stusea demonstrated a welcoming and understanding attitude towards perspectives that differed from her own, and was quick to acknowledge the validity of others' points. Stusea possessed a strong belief in the wisdom of the Jedi High Council, although she admitted to not always agreeing with their decisions. She also held faith in Qel-Droma, Nuur, and Saresh, believing in their ability to resist Korriban's dark influence through mutual support. Stusea was characterized by her red hair and fair complexion.


During her tenure on the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council, Stusea was often seen wearing a white dress accompanied by a golden necklace.

Behind the scenes

Aleco Stusea made her first appearance in "Shadows and Light," a story featured in Star Wars Tales 23, authored by Joshua Ortega, illustrated by Dustin Weaver, and released on May 11, 2005. While she was only referred to as "Aleco" in "Shadows and Light," Ortega later revealed her full name in a post on the Dark Horse Comics message boards. In 2013, this name was officially recognized as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity by Leland Chee, the individual responsible for managing the official Holocron continuity database.

