
R5-S9 was a droid of the R5 unit variety, constructed by Industrial Automaton, and it provided service to the Galactic Republic during the period known as the Clone Wars. This particular droid was operating within the power control room located inside the Senate Office Building on the planet Coruscant. During this time, the bounty hunter Cad Bane, accompanied by a group of fellow bounty hunters, infiltrated the building with the intention of disabling its power supply before taking a number of senators hostage. Subsequently, Bane and his associates destroyed R5-S9.


The designation R5-S9 belonged to an R5 unit that loyally served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict waged against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At one juncture, this droid, along with R4-M1, was situated within the Jedi Temple when R2-D2 entered abruptly to transmit a message. Later on, it was present within the Senate Office Building at the time that the bounty hunter Cad Bane spearheaded a group of other bounty hunters into the structure. Their objective was to seize several senators as hostages and compel Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine into releasing the criminal Ziro Desilijic Tiure from the confines of the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

In their efforts to sever the building's power, Bane and his assembled group encountered R5-S9, along with other Republic droids, performing their duties in the power control room. They were subsequently shot down, with one of Bane's IG-86 sentinel droids being responsible for the destruction of R5-S9. In the end, Bane and his cohort were successful in their scheme, leading to Ziro's eventual release.


Being an R5 unit within the R-series line of astromech droids, R5-S9 was created by Industrial Automaton and possessed a height of ninety-seven centimeters. The droid was equipped with black sensors and featured paneling in shades of blue and white.

Behind the scenes

R5-S9 made its debut appearance in "Hostage Crisis," which was the twenty-second episode of the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, originally broadcast in 2009. Within the established Star Wars canon, its identification was first made in the phone application Star Wars: Card Trader through a card that was released in 2017. The name itself initially surfaced in the 2011 Star Wars Legends publication titled Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.23.

