Raid on an Imperial Intelligence base

Around 3642 BBY, in the initial period of the Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Strategic Information Service, which served as the Republic's intelligence arm, orchestrated a raid targeting an outpost belonging to Imperial Intelligence, their rival organization, located on the lunar surface of Nar Shaddaa. SIS operatives successfully obtained a considerable amount of sensitive data from the outpost, and after realizing that one of the files contained details about a researcher who had been stationed on the space station of the Sith Emperor, the SIS sent the file to Jedi Master Tol Braga. As part of his strategy to apprehend the Emperor, Braga sent the Jedi Knight Leeha Narezz to the world Hoth with the goal of recovering the scientist's transport and the technical specifications of the station.

Behind the scenes

The "Suicide Squads" mission for the Jedi Knight class in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, launched by BioWare in 2011, was the first time this raid was referenced.

