During the initial stages of the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Jedi Master named Tol Braga sought assistance from the Jedi Knight celebrated as the Hero of Tython. This was to aid him and his strike team members in their mission to capture the Sith Emperor. On the world of Balmorra, the Hero, alongside Jedi Master Warren Sedoru, collaborated with both the Republic Military and the Balmorran resistance to retrieve a copy of the prototype cloaking device that provided a shield for the Emperor's Fortress. Following the rescue of Master Braga's Padawan, Sajar, a former Dark Councilor, from Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath, on the planet of Quesh, the Hero journeyed to Hoth. There, with the support of Leeha Narezz and Sergeant Fideltin Rusk of the 301st Infantry, they searched for the schematics of the space station. Ultimately, the campaign met a tragic end when the Emperor defeated the strike team aboard his fortress, corrupting them to the dark side.