
"Rites" represents the seventh short story featured within the 2017 collection titled From a Certain Point of View. John Jackson Miller is the author of the story, which primarily centers around the Tusken Raider known as A'Koba.

Plot summary

The narrative of "Rites" unfolds through the perspective of a youthful Tusken Raider called A'Koba. A'Koba, along with his cousins A'Vor and A'Vor's twin, participates in a traditional rite of passage. This rite necessitates the slaying of a young krayt dragon. Wielding a durasteel spear treated with sand bat venom, A'Koba successfully eliminates the creature. This act signifies the completion of the rite for him and his cousins, marking their transition into adulthood. Despite A'Koba's elation, the experienced chieftain A'Yark reminds him that he has only vanquished a juvenile. A'Yark also criticizes A'Vor and his sibling for their inadequate handling of the gaderffii stick. A'Koba brags about his ability to kill the adult Krayt dragon parents, A'Yark recounts a time when she became chief; the clan had been so diminished that their younglings were compelled to slay logra during their rites of adulthood.

Although a self-assured A'Koba expresses his desire to lead a hunt that very night, the wiser A'Yark advocates for prudence. She cautions him about the presence of "magicks" within the desert. A'Yark ultimately concedes, but she instructs A'Koba to report to her before initiating any attacks. The following day, A'Koba and the brothers pursue the astromech droid R2-D2 as he traverses a valley situated along the south-eastern edge of the Jundland Wastes. They also track Luke Skywalker and C-3PO's X-34 landspeeder, which is following R2-D2 in pursuit. Despite A'Koba's confidence, A'Yark cautions that the area serves as the dwelling of a formidable "shaman," whom they avoid. A'Yark asserts that the air responds to him.

While A'Yark remains with the banthas, A'Koba and his cousins launch an ambush on Luke and C-3PO, causing the young farmer to fall to the ground. While rummaging through Luke's possessions, they are startled by a piercing screech. A'Koba and the cousins observe a cloaked figure, whom they identify as the "shaman," and promptly flee. Upon reuniting with A'Yark, A'Koba suggests returning to the gorge with additional warriors. The more experienced and discerning A'Yark advises caution, but she permits A'Koba and his cousins to gather reinforcements as a component of a leadership ritual. In solitude, A'Yark reflects upon the Tusken Raiders' lifestyle of raiding and plundering.

Behind the scenes

John Jackson Miller views "Rites" as a thematic continuation of his earlier novel, Kenobi, which takes place within the Star Wars Legends timeline; A'Yark's character was initially introduced in Kenobi.
