
Sanvals were a type of reptilian dragon species, functioning as apex predators within their native habitat.


These dragons, classified as reptilian, possessed notable features. Each sanval had four substantial wings, powerful shoulders, lengthy and muscular tails, and extended claws. Their size could reach at least 20 meters in length, with a wingspan matching their body length. Distinctive facial characteristics included a long, forked tongue. Their scent was reminiscent of soil and swamps. They navigated the air with ease, akin to moving through water, and produced a range of sounds, from gentle hoots to booming growls and loud roars. They were seldom observed outside their natural environment.


In 231 BBY, the Lonisa City Zoo situated on Valo housed two juvenile sanvals along with their mother.

During the Nihil's attack on the city, the zoo's inhabitants, including the sanvals, managed to escape. Initially, the two young sanvals began circling Jedi Master Elzar Mann and the mercenary Ty Yorrick, intending to swoop down and target survivors. However, before they could execute their attack, the pair commandeered them using the Force and utilized them to combat the surrounding Nihil forces.

In the midst of the conflict, Yorrick briefly moved her sanval out of Mann's sight, and together with the mother sanval, assisted Zeen Mrala in locating Jedi Padawans Ram Jomaram and Lula Talisola. Subsequently, the young Force-sensitives transported the mother sanval to Crashpoint Tower. Padawan Talisola began riding the sanval alone while her companions descended to liberate the Tower from a Drengir infestation. Talisola, unaware of Yorrick's instructions to the sanval, sensed its craving for chaos, destruction, and explosions. She managed to calm the creature and together they evaded a trap. The immense reptile then played a role in destroying numerous Nihil ships. Meanwhile, Elzar Mann and Ty Yorrick continued to employ their sanvals to inflict substantial damage on the Nihil forces, until Mann dismounted to join the ground battle. This left Yorrick in control of both juvenile sanvals. Once the situation was resolved, the three reptiles were kept together in a temporary holding area.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Sanvals occurred simultaneously in The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower, a novel penned by Daniel José Older, and The High Republic: The Rising Storm, a novel authored by Cavan Scott. Both books were released on June 29, 2021.

