Savi's Path, a route to and from Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu in the Outer Rim, was known locally by that name. Savi, an elder within the outpost, was the proprietor of Savi & Son Salvage and the associated workshop situated near the center of the outpost. This dirt path, named in his honor, extended from the Black Spire Outpost Market, traversing past Savi's scrapyard located on the outpost's edge, and ultimately arriving at the ancient ruins.
In 34 ABY, Vi Moradi, a spy for the Resistance, journeyed to Batuu with the intention of creating an outpost, but following a collision, she was compelled to crash-land her starship within the forest. Salju, a Batuuan native and one of Savi's Gatherers, came to Moradi's assistance and guided her along Savi's Path to the outpost. Moradi utilized this route for her shifts at the scrapyard and for trips to the outpost, and following her establishment of a Resistance stronghold in the ruins, others also traveled it. Eloc Throno, the author of books including the Traveler's Guide to Batuu, documented that he frequently contemplated Savi's son during his walks on Savi's Path.